Chapter 9 - I Don't Duck With You

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Sage Dunwoody

A paper was smacked down in front of me, turned upside down so I wasn't able to see any of the text. I was in Mrs. Canon's class, also known as my math class. As soon as everyone had sat down in their chairs, she began passing out the papers for the pop quiz. I was confident and easygoing, however, compared to the rest of the students in my class who groaned in protest. I had studied last night, and I was positive that it would pay off.

"Every one of you has a different quiz than the person sitting next to you. This pop quiz will determine if you're ready or not for this class based on the things you already do, or do not know. You will have approximately 50 minutes to complete this quiz. When you're done, raise your hand and I will attend to you," Mrs. Canon explained to us. She held her phone in her hand and was on the timer app. "And your time begins... Now."

I rapidly flipped over the paper and quickly wrote down my name, period, and date. I flipped to the last page of the quiz to see how many questions there were. Only 25. I needed to pace myself based off the number of questions Mrs. Canon gave to me. I breathed out a small puff of air, preparing myself to hopefully ace this test so I can continue with this class. I brought my pencil to the paper and began working.


The bell rang and everyone had already turned in their tests to Mrs. Canon, since it was a only a 55 minute period. Since we had a 5 minute free time, some people decided to go their phones or dread about the grade that they were going to get. I was sure that I got at least a B on the test. Some of the questions had me a little stumbled, but I tried to persevere through them. I really wanted to stay in the class for my own good.

I hooked my backpack on my shoulder and walked out of the class. I had a free period right now, and I decided to spend my time in the library. I wanted to get on the computer and search up a few things that I needed to find out for my history class. Also, it's not like I had anything better to do during this period. May as well take advantage for it as a working time.

I swerved through the halls, trying to get past all the stampeding students. No one paid any attention as to where they were going. All of them were delving into gossip or just staring deeply into the screens of their phones. My face was squishing through pairs of shoulders and I was trying to make myself as compact and small as possible so I could get though this mob easier.

When I finally made it to my locker, I opened it within a flash. I took out the extra jacket that I kept in my locker for when it got colder. The outside was beginning to get a little more chilly, and all the metal lockers and tiled floors in the school weren't making things any warmer. I slid on the jacket and zipped it up half of the way, smiling at my sweater paws. I loved sleeves that I was able to do that to.

The halls were clearer now, so I got through the hall without be trampled on. But, not realizing that my shoelace was united, I tripped over myself, flailing my arms wildly as I hit the cold, hard floor. I propped myself up on my elbows, groaning in pain. My phone had fell out of my pocket when I had my mishap, and it landed right in front of me, face down. I was almost positive that it didn't crack because of my protective case that made my phone look like a penguin. I fucking loved penguins.

As my hand reached for the device, another beat me to it. I shot up from my position on the ground, getting on my feet and wanting my phone back. I was met with a smirking Xander with my phone in his hand. He held it out teasingly in front if him, shaking it from side to side. I swiped my hand out to try and snatch it from him, but he was quicker. He held it above his head with a straight arm. I groaned and stamped my feet down like a whining baby. I pathetically tried jumping and stealing my phone back from him.

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