Chapter 21 - Hide and Seek

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Sage Dunwoody

For the rest of the day I tried to stay as hidden away as possible, especially around a particular group of four girls. With the boys around, I felt an odd sense of security. Since they weren't here today, I felt more out of place than usual. Ugh, I was starting to become dependent on them already. Don't be an annoying character, Sage.

What? Who said that.

However, I was thankful to have Macy. She kept me company and we quickly became great friends. She began telling me what happened between her and Tyler the night of the party. I was listening intently.

"We got to the park and sat on the grass next to the pond with all the little duckies in it. It was a bit chilly cause why wouldn't it be chilly on an October night? Then without a word he took off his jacket and put it around me and he was so nice and sweet and we kinda cuddled I guess-ish and the stars were really bright that night and he got bit by a duck and-" she stopped for a moment to catch her own breath and I laughed. The smile on her face couldn't be wiped off if anyone even tried. Her eyes were wide and vibrant as she gushed about the boy who was capturing her precious little heart. The sight was quite adorable.

Macy went on for a few more minutes about how he drove her home and they listened to cheesy 90's songs. She described the night as "magical" and "perfect" and "amazing" to list a few. She was so happy and it made me happy as well.

"Enough about me, tell me about your Kye Guy," she said mischievously. I chuckled at the name she had given him. It's been a few days since the date and it was safe now to be able to laugh at the fact that a bird took a shit on me. Kye was really sweet about the whole thing and we've been texting a lot recently. However, there was no sight of him today.

"Do I have to tell you?" I whined. Even though it was funny to look back at, it was still pretty embarrassing. 

Macy threw her hands up in the air dramatically. "Hell yes you do! Now spill."

Just as I was about to try and protest once more, a pair of hands came up behind Macy and covered her eyes. Tyler winked at me and made a very low shushing noise so I wouldn't rat him out. Bless this boy for coming in right now.

Macy giggled and put her hands over Tyler's, feeling them to assess who it was but I'm pretty sure she already knew. I saw her fingers make their way toward his left middle finger, twiddling around with the silver band on it. Tyler smiled down at the girl in front of him with adoration in his eyes.

I get it I'm single, no need to rub it in. 

"Hmm," she hummed in false thought, tapping her chin. "Is this Finn?"

Tyler's eyes widened in shock. He took his hands off of Macy's eyes and flew into the seat right next to her. He cupped her face with one of his large hands and squished her cheeks together, making her look like Nemo.

"Why'd you say Finn?" He asked quickly with worry and a hint of jealousy etched onto his face. Macy giggled and it came out like a baby's laugh since he had her cheeks squished. Her hand went up to his blond hair and gave it a playful ruffle and he scrunched up his nose in mock annoyance. 

"It was a joke, dummy," Macy laughed. Tyler rolled his eyes, trying to stifle his smile and act serious.

"Mhm, yeah sure. I'm sure you'd rather go ice skating tonight with Finn rather than me, huh?" he teased. Macy gasped and threw her arms around Tyler as his arms stayed crossed over his broad chest.

"No no no! I wanna go with you I'm sorryyyy!" she pleaded, looking up at him with big doe eyes.

I would have kept watching like the creepy hopeless romantic I am, but the buzz in my pocket diverted my attention away from the adorable scene in front of me. It was a text in the group chat with Ryder, Grayson, and Xander. Ryder texted, saying Hey Sage, mind if we kidnap you for a bit? I wasn't even fazed by the weird and random text. What else was I supposed to expect from him.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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