Chapter 2 ~Niall

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It was silent as me and Rachel walked down to the dining hall. A few Crisis workers walked by, eying us.

Crises Workers come to help if someone gets out of hand, mental wise, or if you need to go to Dr. VanVliet.

Most people eat in their rooms, but I like to try and socialize with other people. Being alone with one person for 3 years in a room makes you want to get out more.

Reaching the dining hall, I opened the door and we walked in. I took Rachel's hand and guided her to the lunch bar. She wonders around a lot so I have to help her. She claims "but the butterflies are going over there!" And I just ignore her.

Today's lunch special is a bagel with melted cheese on top. ...Yum. I decided to instead take a ham sandwich and an apple with a carton of milk.

Rachel took the bagel and we sat down at our usual table.

"Hello!" I greeted my 4 friends. There's Eleanor, Danielle, Louis, and Liam sitting at the table me and Rachel sat down at.

"Hey" they said back. I know what you're thinking - why are they in the mad house?

Well, Louis and Eleanor from what I've heard are just straight up insane. At times they seem normal, but at other times there eyes tend to get big, or they stare at a certain object while their body stiffens up, as if it would attack them. Don't even get me started on when they laugh. Also on occasions they twitch or fidget.

Danielle is a bit...violent I would say. Her hobbies include hanging dolls with string from very high places and stabbing her lunch vigorously with a fork.

Liam is a mystery. He's quiet, and acts normal. Since he doesn't talk very much he can't answer the question of why he's here. Liam's actually sort of new here, he came a year ago and just sat at our table. Can't say I've had a conversation with him. All I get is "Hi."

I pushed my long light brown wavy hair behind my ear and took a bite out of my sandwich. Rachel looked off into the distance.

I always admired her pin straight black hair. And her brown eyes are darker than mine. Mine are like chocolate at the center and they get hazel around the edge of the iris. From a distance it sort of looks gray. Hers are just one solid color.

"Hey Melody, did you here about that girl, Kristen?" Louis asked me taking a sip from his carton of milk.

I shook my head and he continued to explain. "She was caught in the halls after 10. Cut off immediately." Louis out down his milk and liked his half eaten apple.

I didn't know what to say, so I just frowned and continued eating. I know we aren't supposed to be in the halls after ten, but do they really have to kill us as punishment?

"We'll that's not fair." Rachel stated the obvious. I agree with her 100% though. Do you really have to die for breaking one measly rule?!

"This place I unfair." Danielle said, stabbing her bagel with a plastic knife and wearing a from on her lips. I sighed.

"It's not like we can do anything to get out of here." I said quietly. Louis picked up his apple and stared at it. While everyone else went back to eating (except for Danielle who was still stabbing her bagel) I watched Louis. He was staring at it for a minute now.

I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes and he quickly snapped back to reality. "You ok?" I asked.

"Yup" he said putting his apple down on his tray. That kind of thing has happened before, so I'm not to worried about it. I've actually seen worse.

My lunch was finished so I took a look around the dining hall. The walls were gray and concrete, and the floor had white tiles. The room wasnt lit up very well, so it was dull and dim making it almost seem gray. There's only like, 10 tables in here since most people don't like to be social.

My eyes caught on a person standing by the rubbish bins.

He was wearing our mad house uniform- a white t-shirt and long white pants. His hair was blond with brown roots. I couldn't see his eyes from a distance. It's weird actually, he seems brighter than the people in here, more like an angel than anything.

"I'm gonna go throw my stuff out." I announced, getting up from my seat and heading over to the rubbish bins. It was pretty quiet in here, only small chatter was heard. I could hear my white shoes hitting the tiled ground.

I shook the leftovers off of my lunch tray and into the can. I put my tray by the small washing area. It was a small metal window, and the cooks would take the stacks for the piles to be washed. When I turned around the boy was right there.

"Hi" he said. His voice has a clear Irish accent to it. And now that I'm closer, his eyes are a deep ocean blue.

"Hello" I replied smiling kindly. I could hear one of the cooks taking trays from behind me. His eyes lit up and the corner of his lip turned up. "I'm Melody"

"And I'm Niall" he introduced himself, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. Why haven't I seen him in the Mad House before?

His smile grew bigger and he leaned forward. "I love your eyes, Melody" he whispered in my ear, then walked away towards another table. I looked to the ground.

My skin had goosebumps on it and my heart beat picked up rapidly. Something about him sets me off. When I looked up and tried to search for Niall again, I couldn't see him.

Dang it, he must have went back to his room. I walked back to my table and sat down, feeling more thrilled than I ever had in 8 years.

"Rachel" I said in a hushed tone. Rachel stopped braiding her hair and looked at me, letting the hair plop back to her shoulder.

"What is it?" She asked putting her elbow on the tan table and resting her cheek on her hand.

"Did you see him?" I asked curiously, looking around the room for any signs of him.

"See who?"

"That blond boy I was talking to!" I answered. She shook her head and looked around the room.

"No, I wasn't paying attention. Didn't see you talking to anyone though." She replied putting her cheek back on her hand.

Wow. Big shocker. Rachel wasn't paying attention.

I sighed. Well, I know one thing-

His name is Niall.

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