Chapter 11~ Realization

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He kissed me on the cheek. Of course I couldn't feel it, but it made my heart flutter. It's the first time he's kissed me. I hope it wasn't a good bye kiss, maybe it was a welcome to freedom kiss.

"Are you ready to run?" he asked in that voice I love so much.

"Of course." I replied, and he smiled. Niall looked so genuinely happy. My heart was racing as we rushed down the halls, peeking at the corners to check if anyone was there.

Successfully reaching my room, I opened the door and barged in. Liam was there, and very shocked at how winded and urgent I was. He was stuttering like an idiot as I opened the blinds to our window.

"Hey Liam, calm down. Uh... Eleanor said she wanted to see you." I said. He scratched his arm nervously and exited the room. I scared him a bit with my furious persona.

"It's go time." I said, opening up the window.

"This is gonna be tough, but I know you can do it Melody." He assured me. I looked down at the space between me and the ground, and it was very, very far.

"I can do this." I repeated, assuring myself. Not sure how, but it must be possible.

"I'll meet you down there." he told me, then vanished. My heart was racing, mind going numb with fear. I was about to scale down the building with my bare hands.

What choice did I have?

Times running out, they'll realize Van Vliet is stuck any minute. I stuck my legs out of the window, and held onto the window pane for dear life.

The building was brick, I could put my feet I the little crevices between the brick. The building was poorly built, the was lots of space between the bricks and not a lot of cement. I slowly crawled my way down, going over windows and almost falling off.

As I can into jumping distance to the ground, I lept, landing on my feet. It was painful but I can manage.

Niall can back to my vision. "Good job Mel, now let's go before they notice."

We ran. I got the keys back out from my pocket and unlocked the gate at the front. We sprinted down the road. Someone must have seen us. This escape was just too easy.

I couldn't care about the impossibility of this. All that mattered was that me and Niall were free, running away from that prison.

Daylight turned into dark. The sun was setting and just a peep of sun came over the horizon. We've been running for a while, but haven't come across anything.

Finally, in the distance, I saw a white building with a cross on top. We both made it to was must be a church, and sat down on the steps in front of the door.

"We made it, we actually made it." I exclaimed. I looked over to my side, and panic stroke me.

Niall wasn't there.

Wh would he leave? We finally got somewhere...

I looked around and he was no where in sight. "Niall?" I called out.

No answer.

Tears pricked my eyes as I called his name.

"Toast?" I called out. Our code name, he has to answer when I call that. "Toast!" I yelled again, but no Niall.

"Niall..." I whispered, putting my head in my hands.

Nialls not here. Was he ever here in the first place? Was I imagining this whole time?

Maybe I am crazy, maybe what they're saying is true. Everything didn't make sense, I started mixing up my past and my present. Nothing seemed like reality anymore.

Liam, Danielle, Eleanor, Louis, I was like all of them. Crazy. A whack job. All this time I was trying to convince everyone that I wasn't crazy, but now I know that I was the same as all of then. Just another phsyco.

A bell rang at the top of the church. It hinged loudly, beating the sound into my brain. It didn't stop. I couldn't handle it anymore.

I stood and stared walking back. Back to that shit house. That's where I belong.

I was so hurt. All this time I was in love with an imaginary person. This hurt more than all ten years I've been at that mad house.

I walked back to my home in anguish, with this realization. The bell was still chiming in my head as I made my way down the street. This was no freedom, it was a sentence to a horrible life, one that I already had.



So that's it, hope you guys likes the story.

I just want to say I love you to all the people who have dealt with my slow ass updating all this time, and to all the people who comment and support me making this story.

Here's my speech-

I'd like to thank the academy, Niall Horan, and my self. That is all.

Love you and thanks for reading.


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