Chapter 5 ~Pills

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I woke up the next morning feeling really weird. My head hurt like hell. I laid in bed for a couple minutes hoping it would go away, but it didn't.

Finally I realized that I needed to use that anti-Prodent doctor VanVliet gave me.

I swung my feet off the side of my bed and stood up, making the aching pain stronger. I pinched my eyes closed trying to ignore it.

I grabbed the bottle from where I left it, on the small table by the door, and I took two out. What do I wash it down with?

"Hey Melody." A deep voice said behind me. Whos in my room?! Terror stuck through my body as I turned around and saw it was Niall. He needs to stop scaring me like that.

"Oh, hey Niall. I don't suppose you can get any water for me?"

He gestured to his hands and stuck them through the wall. "Couldn't if I tried." He said.

I sighed, my headache getting worse. The two pills still in my hand, I walked over to my bed and laid down.

"Aw, what's the matter?" He asked, his ghostly being hovering on top of Rachel's bed.

"My head hurts Ni, would you mind going somewhere else?" I asked, being really annoyed. This made my head hurt even more. I heard this high pitched buzzing in my ear.

"Nope, where else would I go?" He questioned. "I'm a ghost, there's nothing fun to do except hang out with you." He smiled.

"I don't know, go bother Eleanor!" I yelled frustratedly.

Niall put his head down and smiled. "I don't like Eleanor though, I like you."

My eyes widened a little bit more. He actually likes me? Thats...that's crazy. Well, I kinda gotta admit that I like him too...

"Can you please just get out?!" I yelled, the buzzing noise in my head getting louder by the minute.

That's it, I can't take it anymore. I sat up and gathered as much spit as I could in my mouth and tilted my head back, dropping the pills in. I swallowed them with the spit but it still hurt going down my throat.

Crap, I really need water. I looked at the clock and it read 8:28. Alright, 2 minutes till breakfast comes, I'll just have to wait two minutes.

With Niall.

The pills started kicking in a little bit, and the ringing faded away in my ears.

"Melody, are you ok?" Niall asked getting up from the other bed and sitting next to me.

"Yeah, just a side affect from what the doctors did to me a couple days ago...quite a late reaction though." I replied. Out the window I could see it begin to rain. Like they say, April flowers being May showers.

It's rare that people get a window in their room. My holding room is on the top floor of 3 levels, and it's facing the back entrance where the trash cans and wired fencing is. Not much a sight, but at least I can get some natural light in here.

"So what exactly did he do to you?" Niall asked looking at the side of my face. I turned towards him and almost forgot how beautiful he was. His milky skin, his blond hair sculpted to perfection, and his eyes. Oh his eyes. I could stair at them all day.


"Oh, sorry." I said snapping back into reality. "What was the question?"

"What did he do to you?" He asked again, tilting his head ever so slightly, making him look like a puppy.

"Oh, he put this chip thing in my arm. I don't really know what it was supposed to do." I answered, shrugging. I looked at the clock.

One minute left.

"So..." I breathed out, egging him on to continue our conversation. The pain lessened and it was only a small throbbing.

"So..." He said, not sure of what to say. We both looked at each other and smiled at the awkwardness.

"How long have you been gone?" I asked him. His smiled faded as he thought hard.

"Turty seven years I tink" he replied. I laughed at how Irish he sounded. "What's so funny?"

"Your voice!" I laughed, just as a peacekeeper walked in. My laugh faded away and I put on a serious face. Niall disappeared.

She definitely saw me laughing at nothing. Great.

"Hi!" I greeted kindly. She had a tray of food in her hand.

"Hi Melody, breakfast time." She said putting the plate on the table. "Do you need anything?"

I eyed the tray and saw a glass of water. Oh thank sweet baby jesus! "Nope! Thanks! I'm good!" I exclaimed running for the water and chugging it down. Ahhh, that soothed my throat.

The lady left me to eat. Niall reappeared to my right, startling me. "Stop doin that!" I yelled.

He smirked at me and said "well what can I do to not startle you?"

I pondered this. "Oh! Why don't we have a code word so I can expect you to come! When I say uhh..." I looked at my tray and saw my breakfast, "toast! When I say toast that means I need you. When you say... Eggs, that means you're appearing. Got it?"

He nodded his head as I took a bite out of my toast. "Good. Now, if you don't mind, I have to change into my uniform."

"Aw why can't I stay?" He asked putting an innocent look on his face. Cheeky bastard.

"Just go." I said pointing towards the door. He put his head down, walking towards the door and going right through it.

Never gonna get used to that...

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Hello there. Hi. Heyyy.

So if you keep up with my story, thanks for being so patient, I suck at updating. Also, I went back into my other chapters and changed some minor things. You might be confused at some points if you don't go back but it's really no biggy, just thought you oughta know.

Reasonably long chapter?

Sort of a filler.

Anywho, if you want QUICKER updates, comment and vote and all that good stuff. It motivates me. :)


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