Chapter 6 ~Roommate

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I walked to the lunch hall by myself. Usually Rachel comes along...

I pushed my sad thoughts away when I pulled the door open. Today it was really empty in here, maybe 10 people. I spotted my friends at a table near the lunch line and headed over to say hi.

I haven't talked to them since the Rachel incident. I just ran to my room not saying a peep. They probably aren't as sad for her loss as I am, they don't know her as well as I did.

"Hi guys." I said reaching the table.

"Hey." They all said something somewhat along those lines. Everybody already had there food so I got up and walked to the lunch line.

Today's special...grilled cheese. It looked pretty edible, so I asked the lady for one, and she handed me a tray with the sandwich on top. She had a hair net on her head, and some unsightly blemish.

"I love your hair darlin'!" She complimented. I smiled at the compliment. "Thank you!"

Honestly there's nothing special to my hair. Boringly brown, and the way it waves makes it look like I haven't brushed it today. Oh well... can't really do anything to it.

I grabbed a water bottle and walked back to our table. As I sat down, Louis poked Eleanor's face and she giggled, booping his nose.

I took a big bite out of my sandwich and looked to my left. Danielle was sitting beside me, looking at her empty tray. Her hands were clenched to the bottom of her chair, turning her knuckles white.

"You ok Danny?" I asked softly, knowing that if I say it in a bad tone she'll freak.

"Perfectly fine. Just peachy." She replied dryly, looking at Liam. Before I could say anything else she pushed her chair back forcefully making it fall to the ground. She ran towards the door pushing anyone in her way, out of it. When she was gone I turned to Liam who was at my right.

"What was that about?" I asked, Louis and Eleanor turning their attention to Liam.

He nervously looked at me, his eyes looking down to his lap. Oh yeah...he doesn't like to talk.

"Liam, you can talk to me!" I said kindly, scooting my chair a little closer to his. He flinched away from me for a split second, then finally relaxed.

"Y-you know Court?" He asked softly. I shook my head, not recalling the name. "I think Daniell liked him, but he was sent home."

I saw him smile in his eyes, somehow getting joy from this. Eleanor gasped.

"Liam! Do you like Danny?" She squealed. Louis smirked at him and Liam shrunk back in his seat.

"M-maybe a little." He stuttered. "Aw!" We all chorused smiling at the shy boy. That's really cute honestly.

"You should make a move on her." Louis egged him on. Liam shook his head and his eyes returned to his hands.

"I'm too scared."

"Nonsense!" Louis declared loudly standing up and walking to Liam. He bumped Liam with his big arse so he could sit on the same seat as him. Louis then hugged Liam and whispered "I got you bro."

The look on Liam's face was priceless. He was shocked, scared, and weirded out all at the same time. He hasn't talked like this since... Ever!

"Louuuuuuuuu" Eleanor dragged out. Louis let go of the scared Liam and walked back to Eleanor giving her a small kiss on the cheek.

Dang everybody is cute right now.


I was back in my room, laying on my bed with my journal when a Crisis Worker opened the door. "Melody, sorry for interrupting, but we've finally found a roommate for you!" She announced. Oh great, another friend I'm gonna end up loosing.

She looked behind her expectantly and the person there was someone who I never expected.

It was Liam.

He walked in and waved at me before setting his stuff down on Rachel's bed. "We looked into it, seems you and Liam have similar cases." She smiled. "I'll leave you two to talk."

The woman left the room, closing the door behind her. Liam started putting his stuff away, and once he finished, he sat on the bed, his back to the wall, and looked at me.

"What does she mean 'we have similar cases'"? I ask him, putting my journal down an sitting the same way he was.

His hair was messily swept to one side, and I could see his cute little birth marks.

"Um, we'll uh..." He started. "I'm just like you." He explained. I was confused for a moment, then something clicked.

"You can see ghosts too?"



Trust me gets better.

Let me know if you liked this chapter! Comment, like, all that stuff.

Also, I'm traveling to Connecticut on Friday, which is a really long drive, so I'll probably have a lot of time to write more!

Thanks for reading!

I just realized I have no signature ending...

So uh....



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