Chapter 10~ Lets Leave

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I went back into my room, Nialls' plan still fresh in my mind. Liam wasn't, there, so I assumed he went to the doctors today as well.

Tomorrow is when this will all go down. My stomach erupted in butterflies, getting nervous. What if it didn't work? Anything could go wrong... if something's out of place, I'm bound to get caught.

And once caught... well, you know what happened with Rachel.

This place is so ruthless, I can't stand being in here any longer. All I have to do is wait until I go to the doctors tomorrow, and I'll be free.


I heard a knock on my door the following day. "Melody, its time for your check up." A Crisis Worker told me, opening the door. My heart was racing as I got up and followed the woman down the hall.

We arrived at the doctors room, and she got out a ring of keys that was in her pocket. Do it for freedom, I thought, do it for Niall.

My senses kicked in and I kicked her in the knee. Hard. She fell to the ground, the keys dropped with her. I hit her in the stomach, then side kicked her in the head before she could do anything else. The Crisis Worker lay unconscious on the ground.

I can't believe I just did that. I just beat a Crisis Worker. I wasn't expecting it to be that easy.

My shaking hands picked up the ring of keys, and the metal jingled together. I took one look back to the woman on the ground, and knew if someone came by and saw her, the plan would fail. I searched for a closet, opened the unlocked door, and shoved her in. I never knew I could be so violent, the thought of taking this girl out made me feel powered.

I can do this.

Thankfully, the keys were labeled, and there were a lot of them. Boiler room, cafeteria, and yes, Van Vliets office.

I took that key and unlocked the door. As planned, no one was in there yet, usually he takes a trip to the staff room before every check up. I shoved the keys in my pants pocket, and climbed onto the big chair, center of the room.

What was about to happen next will either fail epically, or save me.

The doctor came through the door, and paused when he saw me alone. "Wheres Linda?" HE asked. Assuming Linda was the peace keeper that brought me here, I recited my lie-

"She saw someone running down the hall and chased them."

He nodded his head, slightly unsure, and then sat at his desk. "So, Melody, long time no see. We've made progress since you've last come." He spoke, grudgingly slow. In his hands were a manila folder, and he pulled out the contents to show me.

It was an x-ray of my brain. But something was off about it, a circular object seemed to be stuck in it.

"This is what we did last time, remember? We thought if we put this thought processor in your fore-brain, it could possibly put its output, to make it your input. But, we had a problem with the programming of the processor, so..." he looked at me with his cold eyes, "We'll have to take it out again."

My eyes were wide. I didn't think anything major from this meeting would happen.I stuttered out an "Oh" and looked to his tools tray to my side. He had needles, bone saws, scalps, you name it.

"Now, I'm going to give you a numbing shot before we do this. Let me find it." He said, rummaging through his supplies under his desk. I quickly reached over and grabbed the biggest needle I could find and ran to the desk. His back was to me, it was perfect. I jabbed the needle in him, and hopped whatever liquid inside of it would make him pass out.

He screamed and came to stand up, but his head hit the bottom of his desk and he yelped again. I froze in shock, but came to my senses and ran to the door. Before I left, I saw a phone on the wall he uses to communicate throughout the hospital. It was one of those chored phones that was connected to the wall. I yanked the chord out of the holder, and threw it to the back of the room.

One look to the doctor and I could tell whatever I shot him with gave him a hard time. He staggered towards me, but I closed and locked the door behind me. I was panting, scared beyond belief. I could hear him knocking on the door and shouting.

Niall appeared next to me, with a smile on his face."You did it Mel, I was watching you the whole time." He smiled.

I was on the verge of tears, but Niall there made me feel better. Now the last part of our plan: Leave.


Finally, I've updated!!!!!

Sorry x20 for my absence. I kind of lost interest in this story, but I woke up this morning and was in the mood to write.

SOO, I'd say one or two more chapters left, and maybe an epilogue. Ill try to update next time sooner.

And 200K reads??? Thankyou guys so much for reading my story. Im sorry Im not the best author. :) Love yass.

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