Chapter 9 ~Bathroom Party

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" want out? Melody that's crazy, I cant get you out of here! They'll catch you, they'll... they'll kill you. I cant risk losing you, I cant!" He spoke quickly, trying to get it out fast before I could get any more ideas.

"Oh come on Ni! Please! I cant stand it here anymore, this place is driving me crazy!" I begged. His lips were in a frown and his eyes were glazed over with water.

"No, if you leave this place, then you're leaving me. Do you know how lonely I've been? How much I just want to be beside you when you sleep to stop my worrying that something will happen to you? Do you know how much I want to touch you, to feel your hair? To be with you? Melody, you're all I have left, my only friend. You cant, you cant..." Niall then began to cry. He covered his face with his hands.

I guess ghosts can cry.

"calm down, calm down Niall." I tried to sooth him, but its hard when I cant give him a comforting hug. I noticed now how he was fainter than the last time I saw him.

"You'd come with me. We could find someplace to stay together. You could be by my side all the time. It would be the closest thing to being together." I explained. He whipped his eyes and looked at me. His face was red and flushed, so sad looking.

"That sounds nice Mel." He agreed, and I smiled.

"See, that's the spirit."

At that second the door to the bathroom opened, and in came Louis.

"What are you doing in the girls bathroom?" I yelled and Niall still stood beside me.

"Liam saaaaid you were in here, and I need to tell you something..." He said walking towards me and boobing my nose.

"Lou is this necessary?" I asked and he nodded his head. He jumped up and tilted his head at landing.

"El went to the doctor today, and told her to tell you you need to go tomorrow. Buuuut she is, is no, is not feelin good now so she told me to tell yoou." He spoke weirdly. Crap, I hate doctor visits.

"Ok thanks, now get out." I said, and he spun around twice, then left.

"He's not mentally stable." Niall murmured under his breath.

"I know right?" I replied, turning back to him.

He smiled at me, his face gone back to the usual pale complexion. There was a moment of silence, then he spoke again.

 "Alright, I have a plan, but you may not like it..."


OK sorry wanted to leave you off on a cliffy. Sorry it's short :(

If you want another update today, I'd need 3 comments and 7 votes. Seems like a lot but I know you guys can do it. If I don't get that today I'll probably just do it tomorrow.

Love yas. And thanks for the inbox messages I've been getting about this story. You guys know who you are ;)

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