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Ok so i started writing this story ages ago and i really poorly wrote it without thinking of all the important details, and some stuff don't make sense...

Like when does Mel shower? How does she change in front of Liam? Who the hell does her laundry and why does she only have one pair of clothes? Shouldn't these children be schooled? How does she know such things she does if she hasn't been to school in like 10 years?

Parts are missing from this whole system that I cant explain, and I really want to delete it...

But I love the plot line for this story and I'd really like to continue it. I've started writing it again, but with better vocab, filled up the holes in my plot and am fixing details, but like I'm rewriting this.

Now my question is how do I continue? If I delete these chapters and replace them with new ones, things might not make sense if you'r caught up. I could sort of finish this one, then start another improved story... but that would be inconvenient. If I do finish the improved one, should I delete this one? I might be deleting it in the middle of someone else reading it.

Idk guys, I just feel like I owe you better, and I need to step up my game. Please comment what you think is the best thing for me to do because I'm not sure what to do.

Love you all, thanks <3

P.S. I'm writing another chapter and I'll continue what I've been writing, for now unless otherwise suggested.

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