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“UK! The girls and I are very excited to meet your so called Facebook boyfriend. We have a bet going around that he’s not even real! No one that good looking would ever want to be with you. He’s just a Fakebook Fakefriend! Ha!” A high pitched, annoying voice came from behind me.

Great, the bane of my existence is here to torture me some more: Serenity Morrison. Just thinking her name gives me shivers. Can’t I catch a break?

I guess I should rewind back to the beginning so you can understand why my worst nightmare is standing behind me mocking me about my “boyfriend.”

My name is Emelie Johnson and I am a junior at RHHS. I was born and raised in Richmond Hill, Georgia. I don’t have much in the looks department, I mean I’m not exactly ugly but I’m not exactly gorgeous either. I’m just me, pretty much just an average teenage girl. I’m extremely short for my age, I’m about an average weight but have a little flab. But what can I say? I like to eat.

I have never had a boyfriend nor have I ever been kissed. So, for the last two years of high school, Serenity and her pack have done nothing but make fun of me and got the whole school into calling me Unkissable or UK for short. It’s not that guys have no interest in me; they did at one point in time. Around middle school, I did have a few guys take interest and take me out on a date, but it never went farther than that. I’m not sure why, maybe it’s because we had nothing in common, or maybe it was just me and my strange obsession with wanting my first kiss to be a fairytale kiss. Once high school started though, Serenity made sure to cause enough hell for me so that no guy would even come near me with a ten foot pole!

And so this school year after I had enough of their mocking and nicknames, Taylor Matthews was created. Yes you heard right, created. As in I made him up. He is not a real person what so ever. I searched Google images for my perfect fairytale guy: shaggy black hair, gray eyes, built and tan; you know the works…absolutely hunkalicious! Once I found a picture of a suitable match for ‘Taylor,’ I made a Facebook account for him. Of course, I made sure to say he was from Port Royal, Georgia. A town not too far from us, but far enough away that no one would know if he really lived there or not.

I stated that he was homeschooled and his hobbies were Soccer, Football, and Track. He also likes to read and write and hang out by the lake. Sounds like the perfect guy right? Too bad he’s not real. Once I built up his friend list and he had a few wall posts and comments and stuff, I added myself to his friends list and became his “girlfriend.” And of course, not even a day after, Serenity and her followers saw it and just had to bring it up at school the very next day.

Now she just won’t leave me alone about meeting him. I don’t know what to do! I was so stupid to of put myself in this mess in the first place!

So there is my life story and how I’ve recently screwed my life up royally. All because I had to go and create a fake boyfriend, so I could be left alone, and stop being made fun of. Boy was I ever wrong. If anything it has made my life ten times worse…

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