Chapter Eleven: Jealousy

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Chapter Eleven:

“Get yo butt up and get over here and dance baby!” Mason yanked me out of Clayton’s arms and tugged me completely off the couch.

Clayton jumped up and pinned Mason with an agitated gaze. “Don’t pull her like that.”

“Chillax man, I didn’t hurt her. She’s coming to dance with me.” Mason chuckled oblivious to the fact that Clayton looked like he wanted to give him a good punch.

“What if she doesn’t want to?” Clayton raised an eyebrow, his tone cold. What is up with him? Why is he acting like that towards Mason? I know he is protective of me but he should know Mase isn’t going to hurt me.

I put my hand on Clayton’s arm. “Relax Clay, he has been drinking. He didn’t hurt me. I’m going to go a dance with him this song but I’ll be back.”

He turned to face me and just nodded his head slightly and sat back down on the couch looking anywhere but the spot I was standing in.

Mason grabbed my hand and led me over to where Ryden and a few others were dancing normally this time. What a shock to see Ryden not doing some hysterical dance.  Mason placed his arms around my waist and I rested mine on his shoulders. He started swaying us back and forth. I really don’t think that Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream was a slow dance but whatever floats his boat. We moved back and forth in silence before he finally spoke up.

“Is that guy your boyfriend or something?” He cocked an eyebrow and because of how close we were I could smell the Vodka on his breath. Definitely not attractive. Gag.

“No why would you think that?” I giggled at his absurd question. I’ve only just come to terms with the possibility of liking Clayton. I don’t think the relationship part is going to happen…ever.

He let out a low chuckle and spun me around before pulling me back to him. “Because of how he freaked when I dragged you to dance.” He leaned forward to whisper in my ear. “And he’s glaring daggers at me right now.”

“What?” I turned to try and look at Clayton but he put a hand up and pulled my chin to keep my eyes on him.

“Don’t look or you are going to make it obvious we are talking about him.”

“Clay doesn’t like me like that. We are just friends.” I muttered.

My statement caused Mason to throw his head back and laugh. “Coulda fooled me Emmy girl. You two looked pretty cozy on that couch.”

“Whatever Mason.”

“You like him! Don’t you?” He shrieked quietly.

“Uh…no?” I asked.

“Yah you do! And it looks like he likes you! How adorable. Now you can finally have that kiss!” He shouted in glee. I sure hope no one heard him.

“Kiss who? Wha?” Ryden appeared next to us. Of course the really drunk guy would hear our conversation.

“None of your business Ry. Go back to dancing.” Mason chuckled and gave him a light shove away from us.

“I’m not kissing him Mase.” I firmly replied once we resumed our slow side to side dance.

“One of these days you will. Can I play matchmaker and hook you two up?” His eyes lit up.


“Awe please? I’m a good matchmaker! Ryden…” He paused looking over my shoulder.

Before I could turn and see what he was looking at a firm grip on my upper arm ripped me away from Mason. Looking up I was met face to face with Amara who had a fierce glare directed towards me. “Don’t you dare think of hooking up with Ryden you whore.”

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