Chapter Three: Party Under the Stars

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Chapter Three:


“Earth to Emelie Johnson, hello?” A loud deep masculine voice vibrated in my ear startling me out of my totally surreal dream. Blinking rapidly to remove the dots behind my eyelids, I finally looked up into a pair of amused bright green eyes. “Finally, I thought I was going to have to dump some nice ice cold water on you or something.”

“Oh, shut up, Mason. I always fall asleep on car rides, especially when the driver drives like my grandma.”

He rolled his eyes and yanked me out of the car by my wrist causing me to stumble since my legs were numb from sitting in the same position. He caught me around the waist and helped me stand up straight. “I don’t drive like a grandma, I’m like Speed Racer. Get it right, woman.”

“Whatever Mase, where are we anyways?” I asked as I looked around the area. There were rows and rows of all different kinds of cars and a little way off into the distance I could see the glimmer of a lake and several tiny dots of orange which I assumed were bonfires. Loud music was blasting from silver, Ford F-150, parked a few feet away from us and there were over twenty people laughing and dancing all around the water front and around the fire.

“Welcome to our party lake. Ry always throws his parties here. Come on and let’s go introduce you. Bay and them just got here a few minutes after us and they are already down with the others.”

We walked, side by side, across the moist grass and made our way over to the water front where the party was in full swing. Mason grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me over to the nearest bonfire over to a small crowd of people. He walked us up to a couple sitting on a blanket. They looked like they were having their own party oblivious to their surroundings. Mason cleared his throat and the couple pulled apart. The girl turned her eyes towards me and looked me up and down and after a minute of inspecting me she rolled her eyes and flipped her long red hair back and turned her attention to Mason. I think I would be safe to assume that is the famous Amara. He wasn’t lying; she already seems like a clone of Serenity.

The tall brown haired guy next to Amara jumped up and clasped Mason’s hand with his own, giving it a firm shake before slapping him on the back, I’m positive this is the famous Ryden. “Ay Mase! ‘Bout time you showed up to the partay! I was wondering how long you were going to last at that lame Rich Hill Party.” He chuckled.

“Who is that?” The girl who I am assuming is Amara hissed as she stood up and gripped Ryden’s hand possessively.

“This is Emelie.” He turned to me, “Em, that is Ryden and Amara.” He pointed them out.

“It’s pleasure to meet you Miss Emelie.” Ryden said as he picked up my hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it. I don’t think his girlfriend really liked that…Not with the death glare she is giving me.

“Nice to meet you too.” I mumbled, willing my blush to go away. I’ve never been around so many guys before today and having them treat me like a normal person. It’s just a little uncomfortable, but it’s something I could definitely get used to.

“Hey, Em!” Bailee’s soft voice shouted in my ear as she threw her arms around me. She smelled like a mixture of lime and liquor for some reason and it was really strong.

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