Chapter Four: Johnny Depp and Coffee...Yum!

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Chapter Four:

“Oh my goodness, my head hurts so bad, Emmy.” Bailee whined as she laid across my bed, her long jean clad legs hanging off the edge.

“That’s what you get for drinking Bays.” I giggled as I sat at my computer desk in the corner of my room and shook the mouse to bring my computer out of sleep mode. Once it started, I logged into Facebook to see that Serenity had posted up a new status making fun of me and talking about how ‘Taylor’ was going to get bored of me soon, since he won’t get any action. She really needs to grow up.

“Is Serenity talking smack again?” Bay mumbled face down on the bed.

“Of course, when is she not?”

“True. So, what time did Mase bring you home last night?”

“We got here about midnight. Luckily my parents were in bed, so they didn’t harass him.” I giggled thinking of how uncomfortable Mason would have been if my parent’s had been up. He wouldn’t stand a chance against my dad. Poor guy.

“Your mom gave me some Advil before I came up to your room. And she told me that I should think before I drink and then I wouldn’t have a headache.” She muttered.

“Well, next time listen to her. Momma knows best.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

I logged out of Facebook and spun around to face an immobile Bailee. “Want to go do something? Or stay in and watch a few movies in the living room?”

“Movies in the living room, with milk and popcorn.” She giggled as she sat up slowly.

“Alright, let’s go.”

We made our way down the hall and into the kitchen to pop some popcorn and grab some milk and sodas for the movies. Making our way to the living room, where my Momma and Dad were, we told them we were going to have a movie day.

“I want to watch that new one with that hunk in it.” Momma said.

“Momma his name is Nicolas Cage, and he’s not all that good looking. And its called Season of the Witch.” I replied rolling my eyes. Leave it up to my mom to think some old guy is hot. Well, he’s not that old but he’s not all that great looking. He is a good actor, though.

“Ew. You like him?” Bailee scoffed as she threw herself down on the couch next to my mom.

Dad looked over at her from the recliner and rolled his eyes. “Bailee Marie Connor, do not throw yourself on my furniture.”

“Yes, Daddy.” She muttered and tried to hide her smirk. “I want to watch Pirates. I need some Johnny Depp.”

“Ok, how about Season of the Witch first and then we can watch all the Pirates in order?” I asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement. I searched the rack for the movies and popped the first one into the DVD player and took a seat on the other side of my mom and laid my head on her shoulder.

“I wove you Momma.”

“I wove you too, Pumpkin.” She replied. I love my mom. She’s the greatest.

“What about me? I don’t get any love?” My dad chuckled as he set down the newspaper he was reading and pulled off his glasses, running a hand over his tired eyes.

“I wove you too, Daddy.” I giggled.

“I love you too, dear.” He smiled. “And of course, I love you too, Bailee.”

“Yay! I am loved!” Bailee cheered.

“Ok, settle down now girls. My hunk is on!” My mom muttered as she turned up the volume and stared intently at the screen.


 After the marathon of movies, Bailee and I decided to go out with Asher and Clayton to the little coffee shop down the road from Asher’s house. We met the boys there and found a booth to sit at. A waitress appeared instantly and took our orders promising to have them to us right away. Asher and Bailee were in their own little world on one side of the booth while Clay and I were on the other side. Clayton was playing with the salt shaker, staring at it intently as if the salt was going to jump out at him.

“You know that salt isn’t going to magically come out, right?” I said.

“Sorry, I’m a little out of it today. What did you say?” He turned to face me, his gray eyes not as vibrant as usual. He looked a little worn out.

“Are you doing ok, Clayton?” I asked, voicing my concern.

“I’m fine. Just tired is all. So how did things go with you and the fake boyfriend?” He asked.

“Get some sleep tonight; you look like you’re tired as hell. It went ok. Mason is really nice.”

“You know if you really needed help you didn’t have to create a fake Facebook. I would have helped you out.” He said quietly.

“I know you would have Clayton, but it’s ok.”

The waitress appeared with our drinks and I instantly took a big drink of my Mocha Frappe, savoring the smooth crisp taste as it slid down my dry throat. I doubt I’ll be getting to sleep tonight after finishing this highly caffeinated beverage.

“Hey, Em’s? Asher and I are going to get out of here. He wants to take me to see his brother play peewee football at the park. Do you need a ride home?” Bailee asked as she gathered up her phone and purse and slid out of the booth with Asher.

“I can take her home.” Clayton’s soft voice spoke up.

“Thanks bro. I’ll catch you later.” Asher clapped him on the back just as Bailee leaned down to give me a one armed hug.

“Bye, guys.” I waved as they walked out of the café hand in hand. They made such a cute couple. I remember how Bailee crushed on him for months before she finally had the guts to tell him she liked him. She thought he wouldn’t like her because she was extremely tall for a girl. I told her for weeks that he would be crazy not to like her just because she’s tall. She may be tall, but she is gorgeous. She had long blonde hair that fell midway down her back in beautiful waves and very pretty blue eyes and freckles scattered on her cheeks. And of course I knew he liked her anyways because he always made excuses to come over and talk to us. That’s how I met Clayton. Finally, after persuading her to go for it she did and now they couldn’t be happier and they have been together for almost a year. And I now have Clayton to spend time with when Bay and Ash are busy doing couple stuff. I didn’t have to be the third wheel.

“You ready to go, Emmy, or do you want to spend some more quality time locked up in your head?” Clayton shook my shoulder, trying to hold back laughter.

“Hey now, my head is a very interesting place.”

“I’m sure it is…Maybe you can invite me in sometime.” He chuckled.

“Nah, my head is my special place. No one can enter but me.” I giggled as I slid out of the booth and tugged my shorts down. I shouldn’t have worn these stupid shorts they always ride up when I sit down! Not so comfortable.

“Come on, crazy let’s get outta here.” He linked his arm in mine and tugged me towards the door after paying the waitress.

“Where to now?” I asked as we walked out the door, the warm summer breeze felt nice and it was starting to get a little cooler since the sun was setting, creating a nice orange glow all around us.

“I don’t know.” He paused to think for a minute. “We can go park my car at my house, take a walk through the neighborhood, and then get some ice-cream at the park?”

“Sounds good to me.” I agreed, and I climbed into his little Honda.

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