Chapter Eight: I Freaking Adore You!

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Chapter Eight:

“Here we are.” Clayton grinned as he put his car into park and swung open his door.

“Uh…Clay? Where exactly is…here?” I was completely confused. It kind of looked like the lake I went to with Mason but it doesn’t look like the same spot I went to. I should have paid attention to my surroundings instead of playing Tap Fish on my phone…Guess Clayton actually succeeded in surprising me.

“We are on the other side of the lake where that one guy had his party. I found this part that night when I went walking around. Come on and I’ll show you what I mean.” He said as he climbed out and came around to the passenger side to open the door for me.

Taking his hand I let him help me out and followed him along a narrow dirt path towards the shimmering water front. After walking for a couple minutes he veered to the left and stopped.

“Look.” He pointed over to his right. I turned to face where he was pointing and saw a couple of picnic benches amongst a bunch of trees. They were a few feet away from the water line. I didn’t remember any picnic benches when I came here with Mason. This is probably the side of the lake where people spend the day swimming and eating. Clayton tugged me over to the closest picnic bench and reached under and pulled out a basket. Raising my eyebrow I looked at him confused as to why there was already a basket here.

He smiled sheepishly as he pulled out a blanket and laid it across the table. “I came here earlier to drop it off before I picked you up.”

Wow…How incredible is that? It’s a half hour drive to here and he drove out here just to drop off the basket? “Why did you do a silly thing like that?”

“If I would have brought it with us it would have ruined the surprise. I didn’t want to give anything away.” He teased.

“You are so weird Clayton.” I laughed as I took a seat on the picnic bench. “So what else did you bring? I already ate dinner…and I’m assuming you did too since it is almost seven.”

“I just brought some,” He paused to reach into the basket and pulled out a blue container. “Chocolate covered strawberries, courtesy of my neurotic mom.” He chuckled.

“Score!” I pumped my fist in the air. I love that woman, she knows me to well. Those things are my addiction I swear.

“And,” He reached back into the basket and pulled out two cans. “Yoo-hoo’s.”

“Clayton you are definitely making your way into my heart right now. I freaking adore you! Choco strawberries and yoo-hoos. My two favorite things in the world!” I yelled a little to overexcited. I am definitely a sweet freak.

“You’re welcome Emmy.” He chuckled as he took a seat opposite me and opened the container after sliding a can of the chocolate goodness over to me but not before popping the top.

Taking a long sip I couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction as the cool chocolate milk sparked my taste buds. After setting the can down I reached over to grab a strawberry and devour it.


“I hope you enjoyed that.” Clayton chuckled as he put the now empty container back into the basket and threw away our trash. “You ate most of them. I only had like two?”

“But they are so good Clay.” I whined patting my now overly full stomach. Yum.

“I know they are. Come on; let’s go sit by the water for a bit.” He held out a hand and practically dragged me over to the water front and plopped down onto the blanket after he spread it on the ground.

“It’s so peaceful out here. I kind of expected us to just hang out at your house.”

“Nah, I wanted to take you out somewhere where you could just unwind and relax.” He shrugged.

“Thanks Clayton. You’re the best. You always know how to cheer me up.” I laid my head on his shoulder and let out a content sign.

“Remember your parent’s attempting karaoke that one time?” He chuckled as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear.

“Oh lord was that horrible. My momma sounded like a dying cow.” I laughed along with him.

“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad. Not as bad as you.” He teased, flicking my nose.

“That’s not nice.” I pouted.

“I’m kidding Emmy, relax. You have a nice voice, almost as nice as mine.”

“Speaking of that, when are you going to let me hear something you have written? You never play your guitar when I’m around.”

“It’s not ready yet.” His tone suggested that he didn’t want to talk about it.

“I wonder what Bailee has planned for tomorrow; I’m scared to find out.” I said trying to change the subject.

“Who knows what that crazy chick has up her sleeve but I agree with the plan, you do need to learn to stick up for yourself Emmy. I understand that you are vulnerable after everything that happened prior to Serenity starting the whole UnKissable charade but it’s time you stop letting her push you down even more.” He said.

“Maybe I should just have my first kiss and then she will leave me alone. Mason offered…” I trailed off taking an interest in my poorly manicured nails that had been bitten down to nothing.

“No.” He firmly replied anger flickered through his grey eyes. “You’ve held out this long and you are just going to give up like that? Just because someone offered?”

I didn’t understand why he was angry. I was being completely honest, I have been thinking about Mason’s offer since that night.

“It might end everything Clayton.” I whispered.

“I don’t think you should do it.” He argued.

“I didn’t say I was going to, I just said I was thinking about it. I was just being honest Clayton. To be even more honest, I’m afraid to kiss him anyways. I’m afraid to kiss anyone, I guess I really am UnKissable but only because I chose to be.”

“What are you so afraid of Emmy? I don’t understand…Help me to understand.” He begged as he took my hand in his all traces of anger gone.

I sat still for a minute focusing on the warmth of his hand in mine. Taking a breath I admitted the one thing that has been holding me back from my first kiss all these years.

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