Chapter Ten: You're A Nerd...But A Cute One

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Chapter Ten:

“Emmy girl! Glad you could make it to mah partay!” Tan muscular arms picked me up and twirled me around before setting me back on the ground. Looking up I smiled as I met Mason’s glazed over green eyes. Someone’s been hitting the alcohol already.

“Already drinking Mase?” I glanced around the room and noticed that almost everyone was unfamiliar except for a very intoxicated Ryden who was doing the robot in Mason’s big living room. If he moves any more to the left he’s going to knock that very expensive looking vase right off the side table!

“Yep. Gotta get started early, you two want anythin?” He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around both Bailee and me. Bailee was rolling her eyes at him while he was focusing his attention on me.

“No I’m good.”

“Yeah I’m fine too. Go ask Asher and Clayton, I’m sure they might want something.” Bailee replied pushing him towards the boys over on the couch. She is so evil. Those poor boys won’t know what hit them.

Turning to Bailee I raised an eyebrow. “You’re not drinking?”

“Nuh huh. I woke up with a killer headache that one time. I don’t wanna do that again anytime soon.” She giggled as she looped her arm in mine and tugged me towards the guys.

Clayton was trying to politely turn down Mason on his offer for a drink. Mason wasn’t having any of that and was rambling off all the kinds of drinks he can make and poor Clayton was getting frustrated after saying no over and over again. Asher was silently laughing beside him.

Tugging on Mason’s hand, I pulled him out of Clayton’s face. “You’re friend looks like he’s about to knock over that vase over there.” I pointed to where Ryden was now doing the cha cha. I stifled a giggle as Mason’s eyes widen and he ran over to his friend to move him away from the table.

“You’re cousin is entertaining when he’s drunk Bays.” I laughed as I sat down beside Clayton.

“Oh I know. Normally he doesn’t drink but tonight is special since he won his track meet. Plus he was excited to have more than one excuse to throw a party; this party is his way of helping with your training.” She replied.

“How is it going to help?”

“You’ll see.” She smirked and turned her attention to Asher, engaging in an activity she knew I wouldn’t interrupt to question her further.

Clayton turned towards me and smiled. “So…”


“I don’t know. Was trying to start a conversation but my mind went blank on topics.” He chuckled pushing his mop of black hair out of his eyes.

“Okay- So how’s the weather treating you?” I asked trying to sound serious but failing miserably.

“Seriously Ems? The weather?”

“Well you needed a topic.” I teased.

“You’re a nerd.” He lightly pushed my shoulder. I love how he always tells me I’m a nerd; it’s like his own little thing for me. He is always saying it because I tend to act rather nerdy at times. He once told me that he finds it cute.

“So…” I stifled a smile.

“Really?” He raised an eyebrow.

Throwing my hands up in defeat I muttered. “You started it.”

We fell into a comfortable silence just listening to the random shouts of party goers around us and the music that I’m sure was loud enough to shake the walls of Mason’s two story home. I’m surprised we can hear anything at all. I looked over at Mason and Ryden who were now doing the Cupid Shuffle in the middle of the living room, random people joining in every now and then. Turning back to Clayton I noticed how he was staring off into space, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I wonder what he’s thinking so hard about. I took in his slightly crooked nose and full plump lips; I wonder what it would be like to kiss those lips? Whoa…Where did that thought come from? Come on Emelie this is Clayton, one of your close friends! Why would you be thinking about kissing him?

A soft chuckle brought me out of my crazy, absurd thoughts. “In your own world again Emmy?”

I looked up and my green eyes clashed with his steel grey ones. I couldn’t help but bite my lower lip as I thought about how well his eyes contrast with his midnight black hair. He really pulled off the whole skater boy look he was going for, dressed in a pair of holey loose fitting jeans and a tight black band t-shirt. He wasn’t extremely god like gorgeous like Mason but he actually was really cute. How did I not ever notice this before? I guess I really never did take the time to look at him and actually see him. Is that freckles I see littering his cheeks?

“I take that as a yes?” He smirked as he cocked an eyebrow.

“Sorry what?” I shook my head trying to stop my thought process on how cute Clayton is…that’s uncharted territory and I’m not sure I want to go there. Who would have thought I would be thinking about Clayton this way!

He bumped his shoulder into mine and chuckled again. “Nothing.” His tone was slightly teasing as if he knew what I had been thinking. I sure hope not…I hope he doesn’t think I’m crushing on him or something. Because I most certainly am not! Well I hope I’m not. Traitorous mind of mine, why do you have to notice him now of all times?

I realized I was still staring at him so I quickly averted my gaze to something other than his face. “Where did Asher and Bailee go?” I asked when I noticed they were no longer beside us on the couch.

He shrugged. “They took off a few minutes ago when you were spacing. Maybe to find a spare room or something.”

I mentally shuddered at that thought. I do not want to know what they are up to. My poor virgin mind can’t stomach the mental images floating through because Clayton just had to suggest they might be doing…that. “Ewe. I don’t want to know.” I covered my ears like a child.

“Awe does the talk of sex make poor Emmy uncomfortable.” He teased, his lips pulling into a wide smile showing his slightly straight white teeth.

“Yes it does now shut it Clay.”

“Or what?” He chuckled. “You going to beat me up? I’d love to see someone of your size try and take down someone who is at least eight inches taller.”

Of course he would pick on my size. Why do I have to be so short? It’s like everyone towers over me. “Well at least since I’m short I have easy access to kick you in a not so pleasant place.” I smirked. I’ll play this game if he wants.

“Yeah right.” He snorted and grabbed me in a headlock. I couldn’t help but take in his scent. He smelled like cinnamon and hint of that axe cologne he likes so much. “I’m also faster than you sweetheart.”

I struggled to get out of his hold, twisting and turning. I tried to grip his forearm and pry it off but of course he was a lot stronger than me and it was a poor attempt on my part. “Let go your choking me.” I pretended to struggle to take a breath. I’ll play the pity card.

“Yeah right Ems. I’m not falling for that. Just admit it. You would never be able to take me down.” He chuckled as he loosened his grip a bit but not enough for me to slip out of his hold.

I quit struggling as I realized there was no getting out of his hold. He’s right; I would definitely be on the losing of this battle of strength. I have like no muscles or any upper body strength. Guess that would be my fault since working out isn’t my idea of fun. I left my hand on his forearm and starting tracing circles on it. Not even two seconds after drawing goose bumps rose up on his arm. “Your right. I don’t stand a chance in taking down the almighty Clayton Fowler.”

“That’s right.” He smirked as he looked down at me. His eyes were greyer than usual and he had a small smile permanently placed on his slightly pale face. He still didn’t let completely go and instead of keeping me in a head lock he slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me to him and just ran his hand through my hair. My face was pressed into his neck and I couldn’t comprehend what I was beginning to feel. The feelings coursing through me as he just held me to him were so new and unexpected. It’s like, being held by him made me feel safe and warm. There was nothing that could bring me down. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was feeling something too or if this was just normal to him.

I, Emelie Johnson was beginning to get a small crush on one of my best friends…Am I going to act on it? Heck no!

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