Chapter Seven: Secrets Don't Make Friends

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Chapter Seven:

I pulled on my gym uniform and crossed my fingers hoping to God that Serenity wouldn’t bother me today. I hadn’t slept at all last night because all I could think about was my training session with Bailee and the gang. I really suck at standing up for myself. It seems like it’s going to take a lot of work.

“Alright girls today is fairly simple, I am going to partner you up and you are going to work on sit ups.” Our gym coach Mrs. Caiona barked.

She started rambling off pairs and I lucked out and got paired with Jessica, a shy girl who was in my English class. I met up with Jessica and we picked a spot in the Gym to get to work on sit ups. Serenity had gotten paired up with Sarah, a freshman who wore thick brown glasses. Unfortunately for me, Serenity decided to settle down a few feet away from Jessica and I.

“I really don’t like that girl.” Jessica shuddered as she glanced over at Serenity.

“Me either.” I agreed and I took ahold of her ankles.

“God you can’t even do one sit up? What a nerd! Maybe you should spend more time in the gym instead of keeping your nose stuck in a book. You’re getting fat.” Serenity cackled as Sarah attempted to do her first sit up.

Poor Sarah looked close to tears as she struggled to sit up but failed miserably. Serenity continued to make fun of her to the point that Sarah jumped up and ran off as she covered her face to hide the tears flowing out of her eyes.

“What a bee-otch.” Jessica mumbled. “Poor Sarah, I’m going to make sure she’s ok.” She pulled herself up and walked off towards the direction Sarah ran.

I couldn’t help but sit there in shock. I felt so angry that Sarah got treated like that for no reason. I couldn’t help but think that Sarah should have stood up for herself but I’m not really in a position to talk since I don’t even stand up for myself.

“Hey UK! Mrs. Caiona said we have to be partners for the remainder of Gym. So get to work on those sit ups or are you just like that cry baby? I bet you can’t even do one sit up.” Serenity’s high pitched voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

Now would be the time to say something Em. Stand up for yourself for once. I looked up at Serenity and opened my mouth to say something. “Serenity-“ Before I could even stick up for myself the bell rang and Serenity waltz off and away from me after giving me a look of disgust.

I pulled myself up and went to the locker room to change back into my jeans and t-shirt. Slipping on my chucks I grabbed my book bag and walked out into the hallway where I found Bailee waiting for me.

“How was gym Ems?” She asked as we walked towards our lockers down the hall.

“It was horrible. We had to pair up and Serenity had to partner with this Freshman, Sarah and Serenity was just down right mean to her. It made me angry that she treated her like that and Sarah didn’t do anything about it.” I admitted.

“Well now you know how we feel Emmy. We feel like that when it happens to you.” Bailee said as she opened her locker.

“I don’t know why I don’t stand up for myself Bay. I just…maybe I’m just weak.” I mumbled.

“You’re not weak. Don’t even think that for one minute you hear me? You just never had problems until Serenity came along and started this whole UnKissable thing and you never had a reason to stand up for yourself.”

Shrugging I spun the combination into the lock and pulled open my locker. A piece of folded notebook paper fluttered out and onto the ground. Bending over to pick it up, I straightened back up and unfolded the note.

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