Chapter Six: An Epic Fail...

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Chapter Six:

“Ok every is here so let’s start Operation Kick Butt.” Bailee laughed as she set her phone on her bedside table. “Mase you still there?”

“Yeah.” Mason’s voice drifted out of Bailee’s phone. Since he couldn’t make it down since it was a school night she settled for calling him on speaker phone. He thought the plan was great and he decided he wanted to help. If I remember correctly he said that I needed to stop being so damn nice and grow some balls.

I wish that being nice would pay out for me but I guess it hasn’t…What kind of world is it that you get treated like hell all because you are just a honest, nice, caring person? It isn’t in my nature to be mean. I’ve never once gotten into a fight, I’ve never talked back to my parents, I’ve never fallen out with any friends or been a complete bitch for no reason…Maybe that’s the whole reason why my school life has been so hard, because I’m too nice. I guess maybe it really is time to change and learn to be mean. I just don’t want to end up regretting it and becoming some cold hearted, horrible person.

“So first things first, we need to teach you how to talk back when Serenity and the B Squad pick on you. And everyone else for that matter, you can’t just continue to be silent and hold back tears Emmy. You need to be strong and hold your ground.” Bailee said as she flopped down onto her bed next to Asher.

Clayton was lounging on her papasan chair and I was sprawled out on her lush violet carpet. I wish my parents would let me get colored carpet. I hate my boring off white carpet. But of course they said it’s too expensive and if I want it that bad then I will get a job and pay for it. But I’m pretty sure if I get a job then I would find better things to do with my paychecks than buy carpet.

“And how do you suppose I do that?” I asked.

Bailee slid off her bed and walked over to me and helped me up off the floor. “Ok I’ll pretend to be Serenity and instead of you just staying silent or quietly talking back I want you to tell me to buzz off it a not so nice way.”


“Oh look who it is girls, its UK. Still haven’t gotten that kiss have you? You are going to become an old hag who never gets kissed. I mean, who would ever want to be with someone like you? Ew… Why don’t you run along home and go and practice on your pillow again.” Bailee cackled and for a minute there she really did sound like Serenity. I was a little afraid.

Bailee raised an eyebrow and looked at me expectantly. Oh that’s right. I’m supposed to say something now…

“Um…Can you just leave me alone Serenity? Go bother someone else.” I mumbled.

“Epic fail.” Asher clapped his hands and chuckled.

Bailee turned her gaze to Asher and motioned slitting her throat. “Speak another word and you are dead babe. Offer advice not tell her how much she sucked!” She turned to me and raised an eyebrow. “And you, that was horrible but that’s what this whole plan is about. Trying to help you. So try again.”

“You can do it Emelie. Just think of all the horrible things Serenity has done to you and just let your anger out.” Clayton gave my shoulder a supportive squeeze.

“Ok take two!” Bailee chuckled before turning to face me. This time she put a hand on her hip and placed a scowl on her face. “Hey look everyone! It’s the freak who can’t get kissed. The poor thing is so UnKissable.”

I closed my eyes and though of Serenity and the B Squad. The way they would look at me as if I was trash and not worth their time. I could hear Serenity saying all those horrible things about me and going on about how I will always be Unkissable. How no one would want me. My fist clenched and I took a deep breath before opening my eyes.

“That’s it Serenity! I’ve had enough! Just leave me alone.” I shouted at Bailee.

Bailee eyes widened in shock and after a few seconds she composed herself. “Not bad Ems. Not bad. But still could use some work. Your voice was still a little shaky and even though you startled me you still didn’t scare me.”

“I quit!” I threw my hands up in defeat and dropped myself onto the floor in a huff.

“Awe Emmy you will get it down, it is just going to take some time and practice.” Bailee sighed as she resumed her spot on the bed next to Asher who was flipping through some teen magazine that Bailee had probably been ogling over earlier.

“I just don’t think I can be mean Bay. I’ve always been nice. I don’t have the guts to stand up for myself unlike you. You are the headstrong one in this friendship. Not me.”

“But you will be Emelie. With some work you will be able to put Serenity in her place and hopefully end all this nonsense about being UnKissable.” Bailee replied. “I would do it for you but it would only make things worse for you. It’s something you need to do yourself.”

“I agree with Bay. Keep working on it and don’t give up. I’ll be down to see you on Friday so I can help out too. I have to get off the phone now because my mom has decided that I need to mow the lawn in this ridiculous heat.” Mason muttered through the phone still sitting on Bailee’s nightstand.

I had forgotten he was on the phone and from the startled looks on everyone but Bailee’s face they had forgotten he was there too.

“We’ll talk soon Mase. Bye.” Bailee replied as she ended the call.

Clayton stood up and raised his arms to stretch. His black tee rode up a little and I couldn’t help but do a double take. He is actually quite cute, I’ve never noticed before. Heck I just noticed not too long ago that he had gray eyes! Shows how much I pay attention to one of my best friends but I am a little unobservant sometimes. He wasn’t as cute as Mason though. Clayton had a more boyish look and wasn’t as ripped as Mason was. But then again Mason plays football and Clayton doesn’t play any sports at all. He’d rather just mess around with his guitar and write songs. I’ve never gotten to hear any of them though…

“Hey Emelie…uh aren’t you going to say bye too?” Clayton chuckled as he poked my shoulder. I had been staring at him and I guess I spaced out. I hope he didn’t notice!

“Uh yeah sorry…I was thinking about um…spaghetti!” I mumbled and I wrapped an arm around his broad shoulders to give him a half hug.

“Spaghetti?” Clayton smirked.

“Yes. I think that’s what’s for dinner.”

“Ok then. Well see you tomorrow.” He pulled away and walked out of Bailee’s room.

I glanced over at Bailee and noticed that Asher had fallen asleep next to her with the magazine resting on his chest. I guess it bored him to sleep…Bailee was giving me her ‘I know something you don’t know look.’

“Normally I would ask what you are thinking but I’m too tired and hungry to care. I’m going home.”

“Ooooook, your loss!” She sang as she rolled her eyes at me.

I turned and made my way out of her room shouting, “Whatever,” Over my shoulder.

UnKissableNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ