Part 2

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"Isabella! We need to go to the store!"


I sighed. This happened every time we needed to go somewhere.

"You're 12 years old, that doesn't work anymore!"

I heard her clump down the stairs.

"I wanna go to school like a normal kid."

I frowned.

I hated when she tried to change the subject by talking about being normal.

"We can't. If they knew I was taking care of you-"

"You're 19! It'll be fine!"

I shook my head.

"You just don't understand. Now, go get in the car."

She groaned and trudged past me.

"If you're good in the store, then I'll buy you ice cream."

A smile appeared on her face.


I grinned back and started the car.


"Anything else we need?"

"Not that I can think of."

I nodded and got in the check out line.

The lady picked up the bread and scanned it.

She eyed us.

"You look so young to be a mother."

My eyes widened.

"Oh, no, she's my sister." Bella said.

"So she takes care of you?"

"Y-" "No, our mom just wanted us to get some things."

I handed her the money as she rung it up.

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

I smiled and left, dragging Isabella behind me.

"Okay, all loaded up."

I glanced over at Bella, who was glaring at me.

My smile faded.

"Bella, listen, we can't let anybody know. Not even a cash register lady. Okay?"

She huffed and nodded.

I slightly smiled.

"Great. Now, who wants ice cream."

She turned to the window.

I sighed and got in.

"2 chocolates."

The guy nodded and gave us our ticket.

I checked the price and then my wallet.

I sighed.

"What's wrong, Skylar?"

"Uhm..nothing. Why don't you go find a seat?"

"But it's your turn to pick."

"I-I'll go next."

She nodded and ran off.

Something was wrong. I barely had enough money for one ice cream.

What was I gonna do?

They guy came out with them.

He waited.

"Uhm, actually, I don't-"

"Need some help?" A familiar Australian accent spoke up.

It couldn't be. It wasn't.


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