Part 50

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He frowned.
"No? Really?"
"No you idiot! Of course I'm gonna marry you!"
He grinned and got up.
I hugged him and kissed him.
He slipped the ring on my finger.
I hugged him again.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
Ryan started clapping and I giggled.

*1 year later*
"Bella! Time for school!"
She groaned and walked down the stairs.
"I will be so different from the other kids. I'm not normal."
"You used that excuse at the beginning of middle school you're not gonna use it for high school."
She trudged down the stairs and grabbed her bag.

"Hey Harry wanted to go catch a movie tonight. Can I go?"
"Yeah you can go."
She smiled.

It seemed like the same morning as when Ashton was gone.
Except as I left I heard my husband, Ashton Irwin, down stairs with our little drummer boy..



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