Part 22

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Bella wouldn't come out of her room all week. Not even to eat. It was terrible.


There was no answer.

"Bella!? Open the door."

There wasn't even the slightest bit of noise.

I started getting worried.

"Bella? Bella open up, please!"

"Ashton! Ashton come here!"

He dashed up the stairs and started messing with the knob.


I started hitting the door repeatedly until it opened.

She was sitting in a corner..just sitting there.

"Bella? Oh my God you look terrible."


She was still in her pj's and looked pale as a ghost and skinny.

"What did they do to you?"

"I tried to have a fun night and it got ruined. I'm tired of her. She won."

"Who? Who won?"

"Paige. She's been like this to me since I met her. She hates me. But I don't blame her."

It broke my heart. My 12 year old sister was in a depression stage.

"You have my permission to beat the shit out of her if you want." Ashton said.

"No. It's fine. I already punched her in the nose."

"You what!?"

"Yeah. It was fun. But now I just don't wanna do anything, really. You know?"

"Bella, do-do you ever feel like just escaping the world? Just ending it all and leaving."

"Yeah. Sometimes but not all the time."

It broke. My heart was shattered. My poor sister.

I got up and just walked out.

I couldn't take it.

My little sister was feeling the pain I once felt..

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