Part 5

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" need to tell me why you're here still. You never finished yesterday."

He groaned.

"Fine. But don't get mad."

"I won't."

"Okay. Here goes."

"When I was on my way to Australia..the plane did crash. But we all survived. We were just tired of the fame and wanted to take a break. You know? Hang with our families and not be famous for a day."

I scoffed.

"A day? You went away for 3 years, Ashton! You didn't call or text! I had depression for a whole year cause of you!"

He looked up at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid."

"Maybe I did...maybe I didn't."

"Skylar! Did you or did you not harm yourself in anyway!?"

It was quiet.

"Answer me!"

"Yes. I did."

"Oh my God..why would you ever think of that!?"

"Because I was scared! Okay!? I was scared of not being able to support my sister and her being taken away from me forever!"

He hugged me tightly.

"If you ever harm yourself again, I will be upset. And I know you hate seeing me upset."

"Please never leave again..please."

There were tears forming in my eyes now.

"I won't. I'm not leaving you."

He hugged me tighter.

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