Part 24

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"Uh..hi?" She said.

"Oh, uhm, hi. I'm Harry. Ashton's brother."

" old are you?"

"I'm 11.."

"I'm 12 I'll be 13 in a month."

"That's awesome."

She was older...great. I'm always the baby in a situation.

"You must think I'm still like a little baby right?"

"No, you're only a year younger than me."

"You're nice."

She cracked a smile.


"Your boyfriend must be really happy with you."

"I guess he is."

Oh...she does have a boyfriend...well then. Looks like I'm striking g out here.

"Are you depressed or something?"

She looked at me puzzled.

"You just seem so unhappy."

She was quiet for a second but the. Finally spoke up. "Yeah. I guess I am. I don't really feel happy anymore."

"Have you went to school?"

"Some days. But I don't talk to anyone. I'm not totally unhappy but I am sad inside."

"That's depression."

"Oh..great. I'm a freak..."

She started to walk away.

"Depression doesn't make you a freak."

She stopped.

"My brother had it at one time...he self harmed but he quit. I think your sister had it too. That's what I overheard Ashton say. It just means you're sad. But you can be happy. You just need a special person to come into your life."

She turned around.

"You're cool. Maybe I'll hang out with you some more today." She smiled.

I grinned back.

"Hey Harry! You okay up there!?"

"I should get back."

"Yeah. Let me go get some real clothes on and we can go outside or something."

"Oh. Okay."


"I'm coming! I just got lost!"

"How do you get lost going to the bathroom!?" Ashton yelled.

"Oh shut up!"

She giggled and walked back up stairs.


"I got lost. I'm serious."

I just remembered that I never actually used the bathroom.

"Oh, okay. Well, you wanna go and hang out somewhere?"


"What is it?"

"I ran into Bella."

Skylar looked over to me.

"You did?"

I nodded.

"Oh, was she nice to you?"

"Very nice. She even wanted to go outside and hang out."


Skylar looked at me and smiled.

But it wasn't just a was a "he may be saving my sister" look..

And it made me happy..

Lost BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang