Part 38

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"So you two kinda date now?"

" I haven't really asked her."

"Oh. Well then. Ask her."

"Okay. I will."

He got up and left.


"She said yes!" He yelled coming down the stairs.


We high five and she came down stairs.

We both sat down and acted like we were doing nothing.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Bella." I said nudging him.

"Dude, quit it." He said shoving me.

"You quit it." I said and shoved him.

"No you quit it!"

We both started shoving each other.

Bella giggled.

I pretended to cry.

"I remember you being this little 8 year old girl and're dating my brother. You're growing up so fast."

She laughed. "Ashton.."

"Ah kids comes and go we're gonna have another one soon."

They both laughed.

"I'm gonna go see my babe." I said wiggling my eyebrows and jumping up.

I walked up stairs and saw her doing something. Probably cooking.

I came up behind her and tickled her sides.

She gasped and squealed.

"Ashton you scared me."

"What I was going for." I said and kissed her.

"Why do you seem so confident?"

"I'm just really happy. I don't know why."

"Maybe it's cause Harry and Bella are a thing?"


She smiled.

"What you making?" I asked, jumping onto the counter.


"Yay! I love spaghetti!"

"I know. That's why I'm making it."

"This is why I love you."

She giggled.

"Is that the only reason?"

"No. That's not the only reason."

"Well it's done but it's hot so-"

I grabbed a plate and waiting anxiously in front of her.

She chuckled.

"Don't burn your mouth."

"I will."

~few months later~


Today we found out the gender of the baby and I was super excited.

Our appointment was when Bella was at school so everything would work out fine.

"Babe you ready to go?"

"Yeah. One second."

He looked at my stomach.

"You have such a tiny bump."

I giggled.

"That's good. That means I won't get all fat."

"Sky, if you were to get fat I would still love you. And you will still be beautiful."

He kissed me.


"Please stop feeling so insecure. You're perfect just the way you are."

"I let's go. We're gonna be late."

Surprisingly we made it on time.

We walked inside and signed in.

They called us back only a few minutes after.

"Hey Skylar. I'm gonna be your doctor today." She said.

"Hi. I'm really excited."

"I bet and you don't even look that big."

"Thank you."

They took me to the back and had to get ready for the ultra sound.

"Ashton, what do you want it to be?"

"It doesn't matter as long as it's healthy."

"I want a boy."

"Really? Me too!"

I laughed.

"I thought you didn't care?"

"Oh yeah..hehe.."

I shook my head at him.

They finally did the ultra sound and didn't tell us anything until after.

We waited impatiently for them to get back there.

They finally showed up with the pictures.


"'s a.."


Lost BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang