Part 47

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I got started on dinner and I heard Ryan wake up.

I rushed in the get him but Ashton was wide awake and cradling him.

" don't have to get him. I can."
I took Ryan from his arms and went back down stairs.
"But he's my little buddy. He's my kid too."
"I know. But it's my turn."
He rolled his eyes and pouted.
I giggled and went to put Ryan in his play pen.

"Ashton I need you to go pick up Bella from the bus stop."
"Oh alright."
He grabbed the keys and went out to the car.

I drove down to the bus stop and waited.
When it finally showed up Bella showed up and got in the car.

"Takes them long enough, huh?"
"Yeah." She laughed slightly.
"Hey is everything okay?"
"Yeah...everything's fine."
"No it's not. Tell me what's up.."
She sighed.
"Dylan came back."
"Whoa. That's suppose to have been a happy thing for you..why is that a bad thing?"
"Cause I have those relationship memories coming back."
"Well it's just memories. I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind you remembering them."
"But I kinda missed Dylan."
"That's not good.."
"Yeah and.."
"And what?"
"I-I think I love Harry."
I slammed on my breaks.

"No you don't know what love is especially to a boy. You will not know what real love is until you get older."
"But what if I know it now?"
"You don't. Not until you get to be thirty..."

She rolled her eyes and I continued driving.


We got back to the house and Bella didn't talk to me as we walked in.
She'll cool off later..

I went into the kitchen and saw Skylar cooking with Ryan.
It was the perfect picture.
I smiled.

She looked over to me and grinned.
"Hey Ash.."
"Hey babe.."

I wrapped my hands around her waist.
"Whatcha making?"
"Honestly anything I can." She giggled.
"Can I have Ryan now?"
She chuckled.
"Here you can have him."
She handed him to me and I snuggled him.

"You're too adorable."
"Yeah well you are too."
I giggled.
She continued cooking and I brought Ryan into the living room.


Skylar has laid down to take a nap after dinner.
I fed Ryan and held him as I brought him to the bedroom.
I smiled at her.

"Hey see that girl right there?"
He nodded.
"Guess what?"
"I'm gonna marry her.."

Lost BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora