Part 21

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There were people dancing everywhere and music and flashing lights. The whole thing was awesome.

"You gonna dance?"

"I'm not a very good dancer."

"Come on. I bet you're awesome."

"No not really."

He walked in front of me and started dancing like an idiot.

I laughed.

He grabbed my hand.

"You wanna dance now?"

I smiled and nodded.

"We can dance horribly together."

I giggled.


Ugh. Bella and Dylan. I can't believe he chose that twat over me.

"Blaire, when is there gonna be a slow song?"

"How should I know?"

"Well figure it out!"

She got up and went to ask the DJ.

"The one after the next."

"Great. I need you and the other girls to distract Isabella while I get my date. Got it?"

"Maybe we should be nice to Bella." Dream said.

"Shut up, Dream. The only reason you hang out with us is because you date a football player."

"Stop acting like you're in high school you demanding b-"

"Say another word and I'll make sure you're miserable."

She rolled her eyes and walked away.


Two girls walked over to me.

I think I've seen them hang out with Paige before.

"Hey Bella! We need to show you something really cool."

"No thanks I'm good."

"But it's important."

"I said no thanks."

They both huffed and walked away.

"So what's with everybody acting like high schoolers around here?"

"I don't know. They fight, cuss, start drama, and you don't even wanna know the rest."

"We're in the 7th grade. Are they serious?"

"I guess. But don't let hem ruin tonight. It's gonna be you and me and some friends."

"Sounds cool. Where's your friends?"

"Oh, right. Cody! Blake!"

Two guys walked over to us.

"This is my girlfriend."

"She's cute. I'm Blake."

I smiled.

"Cody doesn't talk much. He's socially awkward.

I looked over to the boy hastily typing on his phone.

He looked up for a second.

"I am not socially awkward. Now help me pick out a screensaver."

I chuckled.

"Where's your friends?" Blake asked.

I was quiet.

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