Chapter 14

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Emily's POV
"So Uhm what happened exactly?" Aria laughed looking at her fast asleep brother in the back seat of my car. Which may I just say he was a pain in the ass to get in there. I mean damn. "Well he was drunk, he said some stuff, Emily here laid his ass out." Hanna stated. "Yeah, sorry about that Aria. He kinda deserved it though. I know he's your brother but he was being a dick." I shrugged my shoulders. Putting the ice back on my hand that Aria had brought out to me. Spencer was standing by her in a robe, which I presume had nothing under it. Arias dad was out of town on some kind of retreat and her mom was in the city for the weekend on business and I'm pretty sure Aria and Spencer were getting down for business. If ya get my drift.(😏😏 Sparia smut😂😏) Which i fairly sure they assumed we were doing as well since my mom was also out of town visiting my dad in Texas. But we hadn't gotten around to that part of the night. Mike kind of put that on hold considering its 3 am and we're outside his parents house dropping his sleeping body off. Asshole. (Plus I'm really contemplating if I actually wanna write smut.) (I might. But if I do don't be Judgy little shits I never have.) I coughed. Breaking the silence. "So Uhm I see you two were fairly busy, with, Uhm, Netflix." Hanna snorted realizing what I was implying. Spencer smirked and I saw a faint blush creep on Arias face. "We Uhm, were pretty busy with Netflix, weren't we babe?" Spencer turned to look at Aria, trying to hide her laugh which she wasn't very subtle about. Aria just blushed even harder looking down. Finally she laughed. We all bust out laughing, just about the whole situation. Mike being knocked out, is interrupting their Netflix and chill, which we all know is code for their sex shenanigans. "So you want some help carrying him upstairs, so you guys can get back to it?" I said still laughing a bit. It was all a very hilariously awkward situation. Aria nodded towards the car. I grabbed his leg as Hanna grabbed the other and we pulled him out. His head hit the ground with a Clonk. We all laughed at this. I bent over grabbing my stomach I was laughing so hard. I kinda felt guilty but it was to funny for all that guilt. I deal with it later.( have y'all ever procrastinated, like emotions? We're it's just like, "Oh I'm kinda sad." Oh hell Nahh I'll deal with that shit tomorrow. *Watches Netflix*) We drug him up the stairs his head bobbing on every step. We were all giggling like idiots at our actions. Partition was playing through the speakers, so we're like swaying his body to the beat and we were all singing and dancing as we carried Aria's brothers unconscious body up the stairs to his bedroom. This was definitely a night of memories.

Omg. I actually updated. How bout that shit??? Yasssss. 🖕🏼👏🏼👏🏼😂😂 If you can see the middle finger emoji I salute you 😂 Thank you guys for reading and all the reads & all the good wishes for that contest. I'm trying out for the voice next year, & also I'm going to go to the Americas got talent auditions. So wish me luck. Also you guys should go check out my Other story. If ya want to its kinda like True Blood And Fifth Harmony and a character I made up. So you guys can check that out if you'd like. Thanks I Love You Guys 😘😘
- Summer 💜❣

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