The Mall.

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Hannas POV

We were walking into the mall and I look over and grab Emily's hand. We walk into a store. I can't pronounce the name. But they have really cute stuff here. I walk in an my eyes catch the glimpse of a beautiful blue dress and see the perfect heels. “Thats the one!” I scream squeezing Emily's hand. “Okay Then. go try it on. I'll keep looking.” I Run to the dressing room and start changing.

Emily's POV

I knew that the dress Hanna picked out was gonna look beautiful on her. “You see anything?” Aria says and looks at me. “Uhm this is cute I say picking up a plain black dress. “Its a wedding not a funeral Em !” Spencer says putting her arm around Aria. They both start laughing I can't help but laugh to. Just then I see the perfect dress. Its purple and its amazing. That's the one. I pick it up and show it to them they both nod and tell me to go try it on. On my way In I see another blonde walk in. its that Alison girl. Oh well. I hear Hanna scream my name as I walk closer and she comes out. she looks stunning. “It looks gorgeous. It really brings out your eyes.” I say smiling. it really does. “Well thank you. Did you find something?” She says smiling back at me and turning to look in the mirror. “Yeah I did.” I Show her the beautiful purple dress. She smiles and grabs my hand. “It will look beautiful on you. Go try it on!” She says pushing me in the dressing room.

Hanna's POV

I loved my dress. But I wasn't going to look half as sexy as Em was going to look in hers. I've only known her for a little while and it feels like I've known her my entire life. I turn to see Aria  and Spencer laughing and Hugging. I better go change and wait for Em.

Arias POV

I loved Spence so much. She was amazing. She hugs me from behind and i turn to look at the beautiful dress shes wearing. “You look gorgeous babe ” I say kissing her.

“Not as gorgeous as you.” She kisses me again and I turn around and don't see Hanna or Emily. “I think Hanna likes Em.” I say laughing. “I think they would be cute. Hanna deserves to have someone who treats her as good as you treat me and I think Emily will.” She says smiling. “Yeah she does. Where did Ali go?” I ask looking Spence's beautiful eyes. “She walked in tried on a dress said hi and left. Guess shes still pretty pissed at us.” Spencer says laughing. Classic Ali. “Here comes Hanna and Em. You better go get changed. I love you.” I say giving her a peck on the lips. “I love you to.” She walks to the dressing room. Within 5 minutes she out again. we buy the dresses and head to Ems.

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