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Hanna's POV

When we got in the car I could see her looking at me. Those beautiful brown eyes just got to me. This girl was beautiful but I mean she's probably not even into girls but maybe she is? How do I know unless I ask. I gotta do it. “So any crushes or boyfriends?” I Ask. “Well actually I'm not like into guys.” She says quickly before looking away. “Oh you're--- She cut me off. “Gay?” “I wasn't gonna say it like that.” So she's not straight. but that doesn't mean she is into me. I mean I just met this girl. Then I get a text its from the ‘Queen Bee’ Allison.

From Ali : “Hey girls just Wanta let you know about the party tonight see you all there!”

From Aria: “Me and Spence have plans but I'm sure Hanna and the new girl could go.”

From Ali: “New girl? Well I'll just have to meet her. See you guys at school.”

Of course Ali just makes plans maybe I can get out of them if I ask the new girl to a movie or something. “So are you doing anything after school? Theres this party i really wanta avoid going to.” I say. “No, do you wanna come over? I'm sure my mom would love to see I made friends.” She says smiling and blushing. “I'd love to.” When we get to the school we both get out and I see Ali after I lost the weight she wasn't such a bitch but she still was. But she can't get to me today. “Ali, this is Emily and we can't make it to your party tonight we kinda have plans.” I say smirking just enough for her to notice then she puts on an angry face. “Really Hanna? Spencer and Aria and now you to? Ugh! I thought you guys were my friends. But just forget it!” She screams at me and then walks away. “That was intense.” Emily says kinda laughing. I start to laugh to. “Thats Ali for ya. I'll seee you in class?”I say smiling. “Ya I'll see you later.” I walk to class lost in my thoughts when I walk straight into a door. “Shit !” Everyone stops and looks at me when of course it had to be Mrs Montgomery. “Hanna I'm so sorry!” “Its fine Mrs. Montgomery I'm sure you didn't mean to. How are you and Zach?” I say holding my nose. That hurt like hell but I can't exactly cuss out my best friends mom. “Were fine maybe you should invite the new girl Emily to the wedding.” She says staring at me. “Ill ask her at lunch.” I say smiling And then walk away . I sit down in Mr Fit's class being in here is so awkward I mean Aria dumping him for Spencer but that's her desision. Then I get a text.

From Ali: “Im sorry I yelled at ya Han.”

To Ali: Its okay Ali. But do you think the new girl would go out with me? She's like beautiful. What do you think?”

From Ali:“Go for it.”

To Ali: “Thanks.”

I smile thinking about it. I'm going to ask Emily out.

I get another text.

From Emmy: “So I'm thinking about inviting Aria and Spencer is that okay?” I feel my smile drop I really wanted us to be alone tonight.

To Emmy: “I guess that's okay. See ya then.”I can't believe that well at least it will give me time to talk to Aria maybe she can give me some advice I mean she had a hard time telling Spencer . I hear the bell. Finnaly ! I walk out to find Em.

A/n Next chapter coming soon. Comment ideas .

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