Girls night.

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Emily's POV

It had been a couple days since we saw Aria. We called and Spencer Answered. “Hey is Aria okay? We just haven't talked to her.” I say tapping my foot. “She fine. Just still upset because I won't let her go hurt Zach.” I hear Aria laugh. “Well tell her I'm sorry that it happened and if she needs any help I'm there.” Hanna says jumping on the bed beside me. “We love you guysssss.” Me and Hanna say. “We love you guys to. Well come over later. A girls night sounds awesome. Bye.” Aria hangs up. I look over to see Hanna staring at me with her beautiful eyes. I just admire the fact that she's here with me. I get lost in my thoughts and she clap a in front of my face. “What the hell?” I say hitting her arm. “You were staring! and that hurt!” she says while hitting me back. “So.” I say grabbing her and pulling her into me. She looks up and me and I look at her. Everything about this girl is beautiful. Her eyes, her smile, her dimples. Everything. I lean down and kiss her. she climbs in my lap and deepens the kiss. then I hear the door open. shit. “Yeah so we decided sooner rather than later. I brought drinks.” I see Spencer hold up the alcohol with one hand and smirking. I see Aria smile. “Yeah Yeah. Sooner rather than later. I get it.” I say laughing. Hanna gets of my lap and sits down. I walk over and grab the alcohol. Good thing my moms in Texas. “Smirinoff Spence? Nothing Stronger?” Hanna says looking at the bottle. “Calm down Mrs. alcoholic.” Aria chimes in while sitting down and Spencer wraps her arms around her. I go down stairs and grab the shot glasses. My parents don't even drink but they keep stuff like this just in case. I walk up stairs and put the glasses on the table. “Okay were gonna play the drinking game.” I say sitting down. “The drinking game? like the one on family guy?” Hanna says looking all puzzled. Her classic I'm confused as hell face. “Kinda like that. Someone will ask you something. if its true you take a shot if Its not then don't. Everybody got it?” I say handing a shot to each girls. they all say I guess and then I hear the doorbell. “Who is it? we didn't invite anyone else.” Spencer says. I walk downstairs and open the door. its that blonde. Ali. “Hi I'm Ali I heard you girls were having a girls night. thought id join.” she says smiling. I hear the girls coming downstairs. “Oh hey Ali.” Hanna says and wraps her arms around me. “She wants to know if she can join.” I say turning to look at them. “I guess she can.” Aria says going to the kitchen I hear her looking through the cabnits. “Uh come in. Aria what are you looking for?” I say walking to the kitchen. “Another shot glass. Getting this girl to tell all her little secrets should be fun.” I point to the cabinet and she smiles. She pretty much skips away. Hanna walks over and grabs my hand leading me upstairs. We all sit down and I pour Alis drink and hand it to her. “Okay first question is for Emily. Have you and Hanna you know what yet?” Ali says laughing. I blush a little and shake my head. “Spencer. Are you a virgin?” I see her blush a little and look at Aria she's blushing to. Nastys. She just looks down. “Oh my god. You and Aria ! Oh shit !” Hanna says laughing. “Oh hush Hanna.” Spencer says. We continue the game and there's just a bunch of weird questions. By this time were all pretty tipsy. I look at Area and Spencer who are passed out. Ali is upside down in a chair singing something. And Hanna's looking at the ceiling drawing nothing. “Emily, you wanna know a secret?” She says looking at me. “Sure Han.” She starts singing kiss me by Ed sheeran and I hear Ali quietly join in. Kiss me like you wanna be loved She gets up and kisses me and lay back. the floor is really uncomfortable but I don't care. I just fall asleep

A/n Thank you guys for 500 Views ! I didnt expect that at all ! I'll update later today or tomorrow . Again Thank you guys!

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