Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: 

“The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead”~ Marilyn Monroe

For our date, Harry decided for us to just go out to a small cafe and then to Washington Square Park for a movie. In the spring and summer time the parks and recreation staff play movies at some of the parks here in New York. At some parks a few bands come out and play too. It’s always fun. At some parks they play the new movies like Avengers and Pitch Perfect, while at others they play old movies like State Fair, Oklahoma, and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes with Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. 

While we were at the cafe we just talked about our childhood. He learned about my guitar playing and my relationship with my brother. I learned about his family, and how he’s here in America to try to get away from them. He has his parents who always want him to be as polite and proper as possible and to never lose his temper. He told me about how he had to learn how to do everything classically; Ballroom dance, no tango, learn to play the piano, not the guitar like he wanted to, and that he could never cuss. He may be a twenty three year old man, but really he is just a boy who wants to rebel against his parents.

This is definitely something that I may be able to help. I don’t do drugs, and I don’t excessively drink but with the things he wants to do, I can help. He wants to learn to do dances other than ballroom dancing; I can help by taking him to some dance classes. He wants to learn the guitar; I can help by teaching him the guitar. He wants to cuss and not be proper; I can definitely help with that. I can be polite and proper when I want to be, but I can also be rude and talk like a sailor. 

He really planned out our date; he had four blankets and four pillows in the trunk of his rental car along with a few snacks for throughout the movie. We picked the perfect place on a hill and set up our blankets and pillows. We laid two blankets on the ground in front of a tree to protect our bodies and clothing, and put the pillows against the tree to protect our heads and so we could see. I could tell that Harry's plan was for both of us to have one blanket around, but I was in a cuddly mood. This was not odd for me. Jessica has had to cuddle with me many, many nights. It’s just how I am; I like to be around people. But yet I refuse to fall in love, weird I know. So we ended up with both of the blankets wrapped around the two of us instead. 

Somewhere in the middle of watching Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carell, I fell asleep. When I woke up to the applause from the movie-watchers, Harry was stretched out on his back and I was resting on his chest with an arm around his waist. I saw the position I was in and instantly jumped up, “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I must have moved a lot in my sleep. If it was uncomfortable you could have moved me to my own side.” I rambled on to him. 

Harry chuckled, “You’re fine, love. I moved you into that position. Your head was on my shoulder and I felt that you would be more comfortable lying down instead of sitting up the way you were. I hope you don’t mine me moving you. You’re really cute when you sleep, by the way.” He complimented me which made me blush instantly. 

“Stop lying, I look like some deranged animal when I sleep. I drool and talk in my sleep all the time.” I told him. Harry chuckled again, “Well you didn’t drool or talk in your sleep. And you did not look like a deranged animal. You looked like a furry woodland creature. Like a chipmunk.” 

I felt my cheeks turn fire truck red again, “A woodland creature? Like a chipmunk? So I’m fat?” I teased him. It was easy to tell that he thought I was being serious, looks like drama junior year really paid off. Not only can I make people think I’m mad at them, but I can also do many different accents. It’s really funny; when I first got here for a whole month I talked in a Brooklyn accent and then I started to talk in my normal country accent and everyone was confused for months. They didn’t know which one was my real accent. 

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