Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: 

“You don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without." – Unknown Author

When our plane landed in London, the nerves were still dancing around in my stomach; I felt like I might throw up. I just knew that something was going to happen. Someone wasn’t going to like me. 

We walked out of our plane and Harry led us to an old man in a butlers uniform. Surprisingly we had taken a regular plane to London, not a private jet like you would think; so we were instead in a public terminal instead of a private terminal. I’m guessing that not that many people know who Harry is or he lets them come up to him freely and not care. There has to be a bodyguard or two somewhere around here.

“Good evening, Prince Harry. I hope you had an amazing trip,” the butler-man said. 

Harry nodded, “It was amazing, I found my dream girl while on my trip!” He said while swinging our attached hands to show the butler-man. 

Which made his attention turn to me, “Hello, Miss. What shall I call you?” 

I smiled, “Hello, I’m Melissa Ray.” 

The butler-man smiled back,”It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Melissa. My name is Clancy Smith. I’m the butler.” 

So I had been right! He was a butler! 

We followed Clancy to the car that was parked close to the terminal, and began our journey to Buckingham Palace; where Harry lives with his parents. Oh great. Here are the nerves once again. 

We pulled into the long driveway for Buckingham Palace and I saw all of the workers at the palace standing outside in two lines that would meet with the door to the town car we are in.  Once Clancy opened the door for us, I noticed Harry’s parents were standing at the end of the lines of workers, waiting for us. 

Honestly, it looked like that scene from Shrek 2, where Fiona and Shrek pull up to the palace and all of the people were shouting and screaming for them to get out of the carriage and once they walked out and the people saw they were ogers, everything stopped. It felt like that to me, only no one was screaming or shouting. Instead there was a huge cloud of tension in the air that made it very awkward. 

I stood to the side with Clancy while I watched Harry greet all of the workers; he had actually taken the time to get to know each and every single worker at the palace. He was asking how the kids and grandchildren were, if they finally fixed that lamp at their houses. If they finally lost the ten pounds, and that they looked good nonetheless. It was amazing. 

Clancy nudged me with his arm, “You really love, Harry. Don’t you?” 

I smiled and nodded, “With all my heart. I really hope we stay together for a while.” 

Clancy smiled, “I can see you two people together for a while. Just by what he has told me about you over the course of the past four months, he really loves you too. I’d rather have you as my future ruler than one of the bimbos here.” I couldn’t help it but laugh at what he had said to me. I’m guessing the girls here are... something else? 

Eventually Harry turned around and realized I wasn’t by his side anymore, so he came down to me and grabbed my hair. “Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Melissa.” He said to all of the workers and his parents. Harry’s dad walked forward to me and when I raised my hand for a handshake, he shook it off and pulled me into a hug, “You are so beautiful my dear.” I smiled and said thank you.

When I turned to see Harry’s mother, she was still standing at the end, giving me the most deadliest glare I have ever seen someone give a person. I was right. Someone doesn’t like me at all; and that someone is the Queen of England.

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