Chapter Fifteen

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~Recap of chapter fourteen~

After a couple minutes of me talking with the reporters, asking how they were doing, I heard something I never wanted to hear over the loud speakers, "Code blue, code blue. Code blue in room 234. Code blue in room 234"

And with that I took off running down the hallway with Harry in tow, "Sweetie, why are we running?"

I stopped running when we reached halfway to the room and stared at Harry before answering him, "Harry, this is your mothers room."


Chapter fifteen~

Rule you mind, or it will rule you. ~Horace

Harry and I stopped in front of the doorway to Helens room. The door was closed and all we could hear was the faint sound of a heartrate monitor flat lining. That was all it took for Harry to break down crying, when I saw that he was trying to stop himself because he was in public, I immediatly decided to pull him into my arms to try to protect him from any reporter that may have followed us on our run. 

Harry put his head in the crook of my neck and sobbed while I stared off into space, glancing at the door every couple of seconds. After a while a doctor opened the door to Helen's room and looked around before spotting me. As he walked towards Harry and I, you could just see all of the sadness in his eyes. 

"Sir, I am so terribly sorry. I'm afraid her heart gave out on her. Her heart coudn't take the chemo and radiation any longer. I am sorry for your loss. You lost your mother, and our great country lost it's ruler." The doctor stuck out his hand and when Harry didn't extend his to shake the doctors, I decided to do it instead. I thanked the doctor and all of the staff for their service and told them they did the best they could. 

Once Harry and I were in the car to head back to the palace, Harry finally spoke to me, "Mel, this means I'm to be king." 

I smiled at Harry sadly, "I know, babe. Helena talked with me about this, she said if she dies your father will give you the throne because he has no way of ruling an entire country by himself." 

Harry nodded, "Yes, but did she tell you that she hoped you were by my side? This whole time you were with her doing your queen lessons, she was assessing you. Trying to see if you really are fit to be a queen. If she had said no, I wouldn't have taken the throne. My cousin, Prince William, would have. However, she said you were exactly what our country needs; someone who is young and is mature, but knows when to let loose and how. She really loved you like the daughter she never had." 

That was a bit shocking to me. I knew she was trying to see if I could do it, but I didn't know that she was basically the decision maker in my future. After that, we didn't say anything to each other. Harry laid down in the backseat of the car we were in and rested his head on my lap. After a while he said "I think you will be a fantastic queen, Melissa." 

I shook my head, "Harry, I'm not royalty. I cannot be a queen, I'm a commoner." 

Harry nodded, "Yes, you are a commoner, however, I can make you queen because I am of higher rank than you. If you were to have a title from another country, then you would be made a princess; Princess Consort to be exact.  You will be my Queen Consort, you will not have the same powers as I do." 

I nodded, I could go with that, politics isn't my thing. I'm completely fine with having no power. I know I will have some power, at that some is more than enough for me. 

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