Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen:

"The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to absolutely and utterly walk away" ~Alysia Harris

A month has gone by since Helen's funeral; a crazy month. So much has happened, apparently Harry needs to be married in order to take the throne. We knew we wanted to get married to each other, but not forcibly like what is happening now. 

We've had everyone from the baker, caterers, bands, and a wedding planner come in. Every day for the past month I have had something to do. Not that I don't mind, it's just I kind of assumed we would be returning back to the states at some point, I have a job, I have my family; I feel like I am being taken away from them. 

I feel like I can't breathe; like I'm being suffocated. I practically am. 

Harry has been so busy lately with whatever duties he has taken over since his mother passed away, that I barely see him. Whenever we go to do something for the wedding, he was on his phone; just agreeing to what I said. He basically let me have all of the say in our wedding. I understand that we are being rushed to marry, but I would like it if he would pay attention and put down the freaking cell phone. 

The only thing I didn't care if Harry didn't pay attention was my wedding dress. He wasn't allowed to see it. He didn't even know who was designing it for me. 

Since we found out we had to be rushed to get married, Harry flew Jessica, Claudia, and the twins up to England to help with the wedding planning. While I went out with Jessica, Claudia, and Abby to look at dresses for myself and my bridesmaids and my flower girl (Abby), Harry took Clancy, his father, and Jaden to look at tuxes. Abby and Jaden were so excited to be our flower girl and ring barrier, they were even more excite to find out her aunt Mel was marrying a prince soon to be king; they just thought that was the coolest thing in the whole world. 

Jessica flipped when Clancy went to New York to get her; she had no idea what was happening other than she had to pack a suitcase that could last her a month, and get on the plane with Clancy. When she got here Harry and I told her what was going on; that we were in a way being forced to marry each other; Not that I don't have a problem with marrying Harry, I knew since day one I wanted to, however I wanted him to be all romantic and propose to me instead of just saying "we have to get married in order for me to take the throne from my father." Yep, totally romantic. 

The same thing happened to Claudia and the twins, the twins were so excited to go in a plane seeing as how they never have before and always wanted to travel. Claudia was happy to be able to take a break from the hospital after years of working there. 

When it was closer to the wedding date, my mother, Edward (my stepfather), Mitchell, and my father were going to fly out to England together. They were coming about a week before the wedding ceremony. 

With all of the chaos going on over the past month or so, I haven't really noticed that I didn't get my period when I was supposed to. I always get it on the forth or the fifth of every month for six days, always. I have never been late, I am always on time. At first I figured it was just the stress of my upcoming almost-forced marriage. However, yet again, I have never missed my period. 

Currently, we are sitting in the bridal shop looking for bridesmaids dresses. The thought of my missing my period has been in my mind off and on since I noticed I didn't start when I was supposed to, but I haven't really given it much thought. I walked around the store looking for Jessica to see her eyeing this ugly yellow dress with this huge flower covering the chest area. I laughed at her facial expression, it clearly said "Why in the world would you do this to this poor dress?" When she heard me laugh, Jessica turned around and immediately noticed something was off. 

Jessica grabbed my arm and dragged me outside and asked me what was wrong. I turned my back to the store window so no one inside could look at me and read my lips and know what I was about to say. I knew that there were reporters around, but when I looked around to do a quick inspection on who was near; I saw no one. Still I knew the coast was not clear, so I pulled Jessica to me and whispered in her ear, "I think I'm pregnant,

Obviously Jessica heard me because in the next second she was walking inside the store to tell everyone that I needed her to come with me to the store across the street to get a drink. Next she dragged me to the Sainsbury's across the street. "Go into the wheel chair stall and wait for me, I'll be right back." Jessica said while pushing me in the direction of the bathrooms. 

I waited for Jessica for fifteen minutes before she knocked on the bathroom door asking to come in the stall. When I unlocked the stall door I noticed she had three packages of pregnancy tests in her hands. Jessica being my best friend, stayed in the stall with my while I went to the restroom holding the three tests underneath me while I went. I set them down on a sheet of paper towels and we waited the agonizing three minutes. Those were the longest three minutes of my life. 

By the time the three minutes were up, I was scared to look at the three tests. I was so scared of the outcome; if I'm pregnant, would I want to raise my baby to be a royal like this? Would I be a good mother? Would Harry be a good father? There was no doubt in my mind that Harry wouldn't be a good father, I was just worried about if he would have the time for our child. A million different scenarios were going through my head and they all made me feel sick to my stomach. 

Jessica was looking at me, waiting for me to look down; She hadn't yet, we had decided we would look down together. We both decided we would count down to three and then look. 

"One", was I going to be a horribly strict mother if I was pregnant?

"Two" could I raise my child up as a royal? What if they turned out to be stuck up?

"Three" Could I do this?

When we both reached three, we both looked down at the tests to see if there was one line, or two. Two means I am defiantly without a doubt pregnant, one meaning no. 

When I saw the results, I heard Jessica take in a huge breath of air. So that meant she saw what I was seeing, right? Because right now, I'm staring at six lines; two on each. Three light, three dark lines. 

I looked up at Jessica with tears in my eyes and said, "Jess, you're going to be an aunt." And with that I broke out in tears in the wheelchair accessible stall at Sailsbury's

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