Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

“Love is, above all, the greatest gift of oneself”~ Jean Anouilh

Because Harry had to work the following weekend suddenly when we were supposed to take Mitch back, it ended up being just me and Mitch . Which was totally fine by me. Not that I’m getting tired of Harry, its just I love the silence of being alone on the plane ride back sometimes.

That was back in the beginning of June, when Harry and I had been going out for four weeks. Now, it is four months later in October, and Harry and I are still going strong. Yeah, there have been a couple of times where we have fought, but nothing too drastic. 

We’ve gone on so many dates to so many different places. We’ve gone jogging together around Central Park, we’ve gone to the Guggenheim Museum, we’ve been to the movies a lot too. I am always learning something new about Harry. Whether it be that he loves the feeling of cashmere, or that when he’s hiding something from me his right eye twitches; it is always something new to me. 

Mitch loves him, the other day when we were having a Skype call, Mitch signed to me saying that if we don’t get married he will magically turn gay and make Harry turn gay too and marry him himself. I promised him that if I didn’t marry Harry, then he could instead. 

Speaking of Harry, he has honestly been acting weird. His right eye twitches whenever I bring it up; he’s either hiding something or maybe his right eye twitches with some other emotion or something. I actually am really scared that he is cheating on me, I don’t know what I would do if he was and has been hiding it for who knows how long. Oh my goodness, what if he actually is cheating on me? Then I would know first hand how my mother felt about my father cheating on her with his secretary. If this is the case, I’m not sure if I would trust him ever again; or any guy actually. 

As I ponder if Harry has been cheating on me, or any reason as to why he has been acting odd, I don’t notice the Devil himself walk into my house with the spare key I gave him after Mitch left. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and when I don’t react to him doing so I feel Harry sigh. “I guess you’re wondering why I’ve been acting strange right, love?” Harry asks me.

I nodded and before I could think about it I blurt out, “You’re cheating on me, aren’t you?” When I realize what I said, I sigh in defeat and look down. 

I don’t hear Harry answer me for a couple of minutes and when I look up he has the most shocked expression I have ever seen on someone face. But it wasn’t a “shit-I’ve-been-caught” shock, it was a “you-think-I-would-do-that” shocked expression. “Sweetheart. The only thing I would cheat on with you is in Monopoly by stealing money from the bank. I would never cheat on you with a person, that is downright degrading to both me, and you. I would never put you through that torture. I promise you.” 

I smile at him but stop as I think some more, “If you’re not cheating on me, then why have you been acting strange for a couple of weeks now?” 

Harry sighs and thinks about what he’s about to say to me. I really wonder what it is, is it that he doesn’t love me anymore? That he just lied to me, he really has cheated? That he wants to break up? That his real name is Julio Ricardo De la Rosa Ramirez Martinez Guadalupe the third? Oh my god, what if he’s married? 

I am finally pulled out of my thoughts by Harry grabbing my hands and saying a sentence that changed my life. 

“My name is Harry Alexander Walters. Prince of England.”

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