Chapter Fourteen:

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Chapter Fourteen:

Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation- Kahlil Gibran 

Helena wasn’t lying when she said we were going to start my queen lessons the next day. We started at the butt crack of dawn and have done everything from proper posture, to enunciation, and to dance lessons. She felt that I needed to be more educated in classical dance, even though my mother had put me through the torture of learning how to ballroom dance, foxtrot, and waltz. Helena thought I needed to know more ballroom special dances. Some included the Tango, and the Irish Dance.

By the time dinner time came around, I was exhausted. This was our routine over the past several weeks, endless lessons. They could be at any time of the day, she even had me up at two in the morning once. Helena finally told Harry about her illness, she has cancer. He cried for hours after she told him.

He was so heart broken, it broke my heart to see him in so much pain. Harry understood that now he really needed to step forward and take some of the responsibilities that would soon be on him because once Helena passed away, the throne would be Harry's. 

For the first couple of days after Helena told Harry, he was like a zombie. It was such a sad sight to see. I had to not only be Melissa Ray, but Harry Walters too. I helped him eat, bathe, and dress properly; If it were up to him, I'm pretty sure he would have just sat around in his boxers all day. But I wasn't about to let that happen. He needed me, and I needed to help him get through this heartbreak. 

It was a little awkward having to help Harry bathe, we hadn't even gotten to that stage in our relationship, I had insisted that we took everything slowly. Me having to undress him, bathe him, and then dress him again took things to a new level to me. I had never seen a man naked before, but I quickly just decided not to pay attention to certain details. We didn't need Harry heartbroken and me wanting to jump his bones. 

In the morning, Harry would be crying. During lunch, Harry would be crying. And at night; Harry was crying. Even in his sleep Harry somehow managed to shed a few tears. However, he refused to let me go out of his sight. 

I think he understood that I was helping him, and he just didn't want to be alone. Which I understood. When I didn't have my queen lessons, I was with Harry on little random dates around the castle. They really helped getting Helena's illness off Harrys mind, but by the end of every date, Harry would be crying his eyes out. 

When I did have queen lessons, Harry was with Clancy or George. They were both a really huge help during the past two weeks. We both owe them so much.  

Today marks two weeks after Helena told Harry about her cancer and that I've been having my queen lessons. It's also one of Helena's chemotherapy appointments dates. She's asked me to go with her this time. I think this is a test for her to see how I am in public with strangers. I think being a radio host in New York helped a lot when I am around strangers. 

That leads me to where I am right now, sitting with Helena as she falls asleep from her chemotherapy. I really hate to see her hurting like this. I don't know what I would do if my mother came down with some deathly illness. I think I'd be in the same state Harry is in right now. 

I notice that Helena is fully asleep, complete with snoring and a cute little stream of drool coming out of her mouth. I decided to walk around the hospital and see what all the hospital had. 

After I had passed the cafeteria and the courtyard, I eventually found myself standing in the entrance way for the Pediatric unit of the hospital. I've always loved children, so it's not wonder that my feet carried me here. 

After a couple of minutes I found a playroom, where there was about a dozen children playing with toys. I knew they all had some sort of illness, something that may or may not kill them in the end. And honestly, watching those twelve children play with each other broke my heart. Some of them probably did not even know they were probably going to die. 

One little girl reminded me of Abby. She was so energetic, and happy. She smiled and laughed at everything in the room. I saw a nurse standing in the corner, coincidentally she was the same nurse that walked in with Helena and I, so she knew I wasn't a creeper. I walked over to the nurse and asked her if someone had a guitar that I could borrow. 

Instantly she shot up and ran out to grab a guitar from someone and when she returned she explained that the person who usually came in on Wednesdays came down with the flu and was too scared to come into the hospital, afraid he'd get one of the patients deathly ill. 

And that's when I began to strum the guitar, immediately I had a small little group of children sitting at my feet waiting to know the song I was about to sing. I thought about all of the songs I knew how to play on the guitar, and decided I would sing God Gave Me You by Blake Shelton.

"Girl, I been thinking 'bout us. And you know I ain't good at this stuff. These feelings pilin' up wont give me no rest. This might come out a little crazy, a little sideways yeah maybe. I don't know how long it'll take me but I'll do my best."

By the time I had gotten through the middle of the song after the second verse and before the chorus, I had everyone in the room dancing. They were either dancing by themselves or with each other, it was so precious.

"If you'll be my Louisiana, I'll be your Mississippi. You'll be my Little Loretta, I'll be your Conway Twitty. You'll be my sugar, baby, I'll be your sweet iced tea. You'll be my honeysuckle, I'll be your honey bee"  We got through the whole song with everyone dancing and singing along every time I got to the chorus, looks like country is a huge hit in the UK! I wonder if there's a country station, oh lord I hope so. 

After two more songs I realized we had an audience. There were five new people in the room, four reporters and one handsome Harry Walters. Harry came into the room and asked me what I was doing. 

"Sweetheart, the person who usually comes in to sing to them came down with the flu, I just couldn't let them not have some fun time like that so I volunteered to sing and play for them. They love country." I say with a huge grin on my face. 

Harry laughed at my expression, he seemed better but I wasn't sure if it was because there were news reporters there or if if he was genuinely better. I hoped for the latter. 

After a couple minutes of me talking with the reporters, asking how they were doing, I heard something I never wanted to hear over the loud speakers, "Code blue, code blue. Code blue in room 234. Code blue in room 234"

And with that I took off running down the hallway with Harry in tow, "Sweetie, why are we running?"

I stopped running when we reached halfway to the room and stared at Harry before answering him, "Harry, this is your mothers room."

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