Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." ~ Marilyn Monroe

Once Harry and I landed at the John F. Kennedy airport in New York we decided that it would be best to just head to my apartment and crash for the night seeing that it was nine o’clock at night. We had decided that today we would just sit in at home and watch movies all day. 

So with that being decided, I got myself up this morning and made breakfast for my two boys. It was definitely going to be an adjustment having both Harry and Mitch in the house with me, but it is not something I cannot get used to. 

Once the breakfast I made was finished being cooked, I set the table in my dining room, fixed the plates and went to wake up the boys. I decided to wake up Harry first since he seemed to be the easiest to wake; turns out I was wrong. I walked into my bedroom to see that Harry had somehow shifted into a very uncomfortable looking star formation on my bed; the sheets were wrapped around his waist while he had one leg sticking out from beneath them. His left arm was hanging off the side of my bed while his right arm looked to be in a very odd angle. 

After maybe five minutes of me pushing, shoving, and saying his name, I was unable to wake up the sleeping beauty from his slumber. Eventually I just decided I was going to push him off of my bed. Due to the way he was positioned on my bed, I had to grab his legs and pull him off of my bed. Once his body hit my carpeted bedroom floor, his body made a very satisfying thump. 

I watched in amusement as Harry began to groan and moan from the impact his body faced from hitting the floor. Harry opened one of his eyes and shot me the most scary glare I have received in a long while. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what the look on his face meant: ‘Run now.’ 

In a matter of seconds I was out my bedroom door and running around my apartment with a very mad and scary Harry on my tail. I ran past my dining room to see Mitchell already sitting there and eating his breakfast; he must have felt Harry's body hitting my floor, he was always sensitive like that. 

After our third time around the kitchen, I felt Harry’s long slender arms wrap themselves around my waist.  He pulled my body close to his and cuddled my back against his chest. It felt amazing to have this type of relationship with a person. I cannot tell you how stupid I feel right now because I am realizing that I missed so much by refusing to fall in love; I always felt like something was missing from me, but I never knew it was a relationship like this of all things. 


Mitch has now been here in New York City with Harry and me for quite a few days, six days to be exact. Since Monday when we stayed in and just watched movies all day, we have done so much. The next day, Tuesday, we went to The Guggenheim museum in Manhattan, Central Park, we went and saw his favorite movie, The Lion King, on Broadway, and we even went to Coney Island which he was really happy about. 

Mitch just adores Harry. A couple of nights ago when Harry fell asleep on the couch early, Mitch told me just how much he really loved Harry. He said that he hopes that we get married because he already sees Harry as that older brother figure who would take him out to baseball games and the movies whenever he could. 

Mitch’s really excited to go to the baseball game this afternoon, he’s really excited to see his idols perform in person instead of relying on the crappy television my mother has in his room; it’s the only place where he gets the sports channel to watch the games because our mother hates to watch and listen to the baseball games, she would rather listen to music instead. 

Today’s home game is the New York Yankees versus the Texas Rangers; Mitch’s favorite team versus our home team. As we were getting ready to leave for the game, Harry dropped a huge bomb on Mitch and I; he got special tickets. We were sitting close to the home pit and he ran into a few of the New York Yankees players at the restaurant where he works and was able to talk the players into meeting Mitch, the best part is he got the players from the Texas Rangers to agree to meet Mitch too. Can he get any more amazing? Mitch almost started to cry when Harry signed everything to him, he gets to meet his idols which must feel truly amazing to him. 

His favorite player is Phil Hughes; he’s a pitcher for the New York Yankees. Mitch has followed Phil Hughes’ Major League Baseball career since he debuted in 2007 with the New York Yankees. Phil is pretty cute if I don’t say so myself, he has a nice butt too! Mitch can recite Phil Hughes’s stats verbatim, it is quite cute actually. Personally my favorite player from the Texas Rangers is Justin Grimm, he’s a pitcher for the Texas Rangers and I cannot recite his stats like Mitch can with Phil Hughes but I can stare at his butt all day long if I must. 

The whole ride to the Bronx I kept telling that to Harry; it was funny to watch him get aggravated with me. When Harry parked the car at the stadium before we got out I pulled him towards me and kissed him with all my might before pulling away and looking into his eyes, “But your butt, I can stare at forever.” With that I winked and walked out and waited for him to get out of the car; he looked so cute all flustered. 

We sat through the whole game while Mitch tried to get Phil’s attention; one downside to being deaf, you have to use really big hand movements to get someone’s attention and being in a large stadium with thousands of others trying to do the same makes you not seen. Finally after me getting frustrated I got up from my seat, grabbed Mitch, and shoved my way through the crowd of people to get to where Phil was standing.  I waited patiently for the man who Phil was talking to finish before I moved Mitch and myself in front of everyone else.  

“Excuse me, Mr. Hughes, I’m with 92.3 now, and I was wondering if you would sign my booklet? You are my manager’s favorite player,” I said while handing Phil my booklet I was handed when I entered the stadium. 

He nodded and took my booklet to sing. Once he was finished he asked if I had anything else for him to sign, I nodded and looked at Mitch signaling him to hand Phil his baseball he brought with him. “What’s your name, kid?” Phil asked Mitch. 

Mitch signed his name to Phil by using the American Sign Language alphabet, and to both of our surprise, Phil knew what he was saying to him. When we got the ball back from him the ball said, “To Mitchell, thank you for being a fan!!  ps, don’t act so surprised, my sister is deaf just like you are!” Well, you learn something new every day don’t you? 

The game ended at eight with the Texas Rangers winning while the New York Yankees lost. Mitch didn’t even seem to care that his team lost, he was happy he was able to speak to Phil Hughes. Harry looked at me and I realized it was time for us to meet the players for both teams. 

We walked with both Harry and Mitch holding one of my hands, so they wouldn’t get lost, towards the locker rooms that Harry had received the “secret codeword” to get past the security guards; the so called secret codeword was “baseball”. Really? You guys cannot get any more original? 

Once we got into the locker room, Mitch looked like he was in Heaven and did not want to come back whatsoever. He looked so happy to meet his heroes and to talk to Phil Hughes once more. When we left the baseball stadium several hours later after a hundred or so laughs were shared, Mitch looked so cute in his Texas Rangers and New York Yankees gear that they had given him. He had a couple of shirts draped on his right arm from both teams, a Texas Rangers blanket on his left arm. He signed to me how Harry is one of his favorite people for sure. He said that we better get married and go through any obstacle that comes into our way. 

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