Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen:

“Where there is love, there is life” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

“Let’s go for a walk,” Helena said to me before walking out the door near her desk. This door led outside to this extravagant garden. I slowly walked behind her while she looked at the roses that looked like they needed some water. “This flower garden was made by Queen Amelia, my mother. She loved anything that bloomed. Including people. I know it’s weird to be comparing people to flowers, but people really do bloom.”

I walked alongside Helena, I knew she had a reason for asking me to go on a walk with her. I knew she wanted to talk with me about something that was not about the garden. After walking around the garden for ten minutes, Helena stopped and had us sit down on one of the benches. After a few minutes Helena grabbed my hand and held it in a tight grasp. It was then that I realized she was crying. 

“Your majesty, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I asked her, I tried to be as formal as I could be to her, the woman still doesn’t like me. 

“I’m sick.” Was all Helena said to me. 

I stared at her, “Well if you’re sick you shouldn’t be walking around here, you should be in bed recovering.” I told her after a minute or two of silence. 

Helena shook her head, “I’m not going to recover from this illness. I’m going to die soon. I have cancer.” 

Why was she telling me this? Shouldn’t she be telling Harry about her illness?

She seemed to have read my mind, because what she said next shocked me, “I’m telling you because I want you to take over as queen. I know it may seem like I don’t like you but I wanted to make sure my country was in great hands. So when you first came here, I put my best poker face on and watched you. Now I know, my country is going to be in fantastic hands.” 

All I could do was sit there on the bench in silence. I was shocked by what she said. Me being the future queen of England? What a huge three sixty my life would take. My debt for school would be paid for, I wouldn’t have my old beat up piece of shit car, I would have the best clothes possible. It sounds like too much; this is crazy. 

I looked up and saw that Helena was watching me as I processed all she had said to me. “Do you really think I could be the next queen of England? This is all so crazy. I’m going to go from being radio host, to a queen. What if they don’t like me?” 

Helena shook her head at me, “Sweetheart, they will love you. As much as Harry and George do. And, as much as I do. I may not be here for much longer, however I hope that I will be around to see you walk in the Abbey to get married to my son. I hope you two have the most beautiful babies in the world.” 

I couldn’t help but shed a tear as she said this; there is a huge possibility that she won’t be here to meet her first grandchild.  I cannot imagine that feeling. 

Helena continued to stare at me as I processed all she had told me before she said, “So, will you do it? Will you become the next Queen of England alongside the King, Harry?” 

I thought about it some more before saying, “I’ll try it, ma’am. I’m worried I won’t be able to do it, but I will try.” 

That was all I had to say for Helena to look relieved in knowing she had a set heir to her throne, “Good, starting tomorrow you shall begin your Queen lessons.” 

These ‘Queen lessons’ did not sound very fun to be honest, but if it meant staying with my true love then I would do anything. 

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