The Present (Chapter 1)

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" Damn" i said under my breath. " Lets just hope they don't see me." I quicky turned the corner and to my left was Blake and her idiot friends. I've know Blake ever since kindergarden and ever since then shes been out to get me. Calling me names, pushing me, and making rumors about me for the last 10 years. We were now in the summer to our juinor year and she is still bullying me. I have no idea why she hates me. I tried to hurry past them, but i caught their attention when Blake turned her head to look at me.

          She has long bleach blone hair ( fake like the rest of her), slightly tan skin, and was tall and skinny like a stick. She was wearing her Abercrombie and Bitch outfit and her clones were wearing the same thing, but all different colors. " Look who we have here! I thought i would get away from you this summer, but it seems like you're always following us! Stalker..." She laughed her high pitch laugh. Laughing at your own jokes? Stupid. I turned around to leave to make my way home, when behind me i heard her say. " Why don't you go back to your family or your boyfriend?! WAIT! oh thats right! You don't have either." Usually i would have let her insult slide because they don't bother me, but her saying the things that hurt me the most. The subject that no one should ever talk about. Well, lets just say something just snapped and i turned around and i did something she did not expect me to do. I turned around and punched her square in the nose. It happened so fast, that we all just stood there as Blake fell to her knees, hands across her nose, blood dripping down her white shirt. She looked up at me, horrified.

"Bitch." I spat at her feet, turned around and walked away.

I walked the stairs to my room and notice Lisa or Frank weren't home. Its not like i wanrted them here anyway. I walked to my room and saw on my door, have work buisness out of state, Frank and I won't be back for 2 weeks. Clean your damn room. I ripped the note off my door and ripped it up. I walked into my room and flopped my self onto my bed. Lisa and Frank were my foster parents. My 10th foster parents. I hated them. They were always yelling at me and pushing me, always saying im stupid and treat me like dirt when they were home. Which was like never (thankfully).

I never liked any of my foster familys. They always treated me like shit. The kids always made fun of me and told me how i was different. So what did i do? I run away from those hell holes. Sneak out in the middle of the night and catch a train. It was scary at first, running away and trying to find a way to live on your own. But as i began to run away more, it became easier and easier. And i knew how to defend myself. I've taken in karate, track and field, gymastics and all that stuff. I wasn't that scrawny kid anymore who need someone to protect them.

I got out of bed and pulled my long dark hair into a messy bun. I had long brown hair, and light brown eyes to match. I was skinny, but toned from all of the sports i did. And a long scar that when down my face because of a fight i got with one of my foster siblings. I stared at myself in the mirror and touched my scar. Why am i so different from everyone? I have no parents, no soical life, and no friends. The only friend i had was Jaime. And he's long gone. We use to email each othe back in elementary school. But after middle school and high school, he just seemed to disapper. Its been almost 5 years since i last spoke to him. It broke my heart and made me wonder why he wouldn't talk to me. My only friend. Gone. I pulled the necklace he made for me out of my dresser and held it aganist my chest. Feeling the coolness of the metal and rubbing my fingers against the engraving.


Hi! This is my first fan-fic so i'm sorry if it kinda sucks! Please enjoy! And please give feedback!

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