You Owe Them (Chapter 14)

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-Tiffany POV-

"This was covert mission only. You were only suppose to take the rock and leave. You destoryed museum property and nearly burned two people." We came back to Happy Harbor and had to explain our mission to Aqualad, who already knew what happen, but wanted to hear it from us. "Explain." He said to us. 

"Fine. We went into the exibit room that held the rock, where ROBIN said he turned off all security set ups. We took the rock out carefully and i was gonna put the decoy in its place when alarms went off and security surronded us. What were we suppose to do? Let them shot us? Attack them? We ran out the window, the only escape, and ran." Aqualad didn't say anything to me. Instead he looked at Robin for him to explain his sloppiness on helping us. 

 Robin stood up, hands behind his back."I thought i turned off all security! I swear. I tried to turn off the security but something happen and I couldn't." 

"Beside its kinda hard to do a COVERT mission when you're STEALING from one of the popular museums in america. Its pretty hard not to get caught. We didn't hurt anyone or ourselves. In my eyes, this mission was a sucess. We got the rock and thats all that matters." Artemis gave the rock to Aqualad and went up stairs, Miss.M following her. 

Aqualad sighed. "Yes, you are correct. You did receive the rock with minor damage. That is all that shall matter. I apologize." He place the rock in a safe where the other were and went to his room. I looked behind me and only saw Jaime. Robin must have done his ninja thing and stuck off. I signed and fell onto the couch. Jaime sat down next to me looking equally as tired.

He patted me on the shoulder. "Well, that went well actually. You did good on your first mission." I laughed and stood up. "I guess I- we- did do a good job.... minus jumping out the window and almost burning two people." This time he laughed and stood up. 

"You know... that was kinda like a date. Our first mission date." He said as he gave me a shy smile. I thought about it and smiled to myself. "Huh, you're right. It was kinda like a first date huh." I stood on my tip toes and kisses his cheek. He flushed over and gave me a hug. "See you tomorrow, Tiff." Jaime said to me before Zeta back home. "Huh. Good night." i said to no one and made my way to bed.

-Jaime POV-

"Dang. Who knew jumping out a window was such a pain?" I was still sore from yesterdays mission and trainning with Black Canary didn't help with it. "Don't ask me!" Bart said as he caught up to me. "I've never jumped out a window, i don't have to. I can just run away." He ran around in circles to prove his point. "I know hermano." We hit the showers and changed into our regular clothes and meet up in the living room. I looked around and didn't see Tiffany anywhere. Now i think about it she wasn't at the training course either. 

I turned toward Bart and Superboy, "You guys seen Tiffany?" 

"I think she was assigned to go stop a bank robber in Star City with Wondergirl." Said Robin facing the Super Computer. He was researching the rocks and from what I can tell, he wasn't have any leads. "Hey, yesterday when Storm touch the rock, she seemed, suprised and confused looking. You might wanna talk to her about that when she gets back." Robin put his hands to his temples and nodded, "Yeah i will. Thanks Blue."

Bart came behind me and Beast Boy and put his arms around our shoulders "So guys! What should we go? We got all day! And the four of us, minus Robin over there, haven't done anything fun since all that new member and space rocky thingy stuff! So what should we do?" Beast Boy and I pulled away from Bart's grip. "Hey i know! Let's go ride the bikes!" exclaimed Beast Boy. It didn't seem like a bad idea. "Sounds crash! Meet you guys there!" Bart replied running off. I ran outside where the bikes were and followed them outside, "I'll take my board." 

I was running and wasn't paying attention were i was going and crashed into someone. "Ow, sorry." I stood up and gave the person my hand. Tiffany. "Oh! Hey, I'm really sorry." I looked at her face, which was twisted into a frown and her eyes were on fire again. Not a good sign. "Its fine Blue." she mumbled. "Uh. Robin wants to ask you a quick question, he's at the Super Computer..." She walked past me and to Robin. I stood there confused and shocked. I've never seen her like this.

W.G stood beside me and crossed her arms. "She was chasing down the robber and they disappeared around the corner and didn't come back for a while. When they came back she looked spooked and pissed. She was just fine before that. So i don't know." I didn't say anything, but she can see the concern look on my face. "Hey, don't worry about it. She'll be just fine. Just leave her alone or you'll just might become toast. " She patted my back, nearly knocking me to the floor and went to the training room. 

I looked back and saw Tiffany go up stairs. I wanted to go talk to her, but Cassandra was right. I put on my helmet and jumped on my skateboard, catching up to the guys.

-Tiffany POV-

"Ever since i've been getting use to my powers, i've learned that when i physically touch a living object, a warm feeling goes through my body. But when i touched the space rock, i expected it to be cold, you know, like a rock should. But i touched the rock and the warm feeling went through me body. Which means either my powers are just going crazy, or that thing is living. I don't know, but i think its very important. Now If you don't mind, i'm gonna go to my room." With the i stormed off into my room leaving a clueless Robin behind. 

I closed my door and began pulling things out of my drawers, throwing things everywhere. I thought about what happen when we're chasing down the robber. 

Earlier that day

"I'll get him." 

I ran after the robber and chased him down mulitiple alley ways until we got to a dead end.He had no place to run. "Why don't you just give up now? So i don't have to sweep up your ashes." I said to him, as i set my hand ablaze trying to prove my point. I looked at his face and gasped, "Slime!"

He got up at pulled out a small knife, "Babeeee. Long time no see. Where you been?" he said, his words kind of slurry. Always sounds drunk, always is drunk. But even under my mask, he knew who I was. "What the hell you doing here, Slime? This isn't your city! Go back to the 'crack' house." I said as i advance on him, kicking the knife out of his hand and pushing him against the brick wall.

"Hey don't worry. I just came to talk, but i couldn't find you, so i decided to get your attention."

I put the fire dangerously close to his face, "You got my attention. So talk!"

"Fine. The big guy and his goons are after you, sweet cakes. You owe them money and they want it now. You did a lot of damage the last time you were there, and they want revenge and your cash. I came to tell you because even though we hate each other, you're pretty." He tried to touch my face but slapped it away. "And i don't wanna see you face jacked up, although it would match perfectly with your sca-" I elbowed his neck to shut him up. 

"I got it. So i'm guessing they want me to go over there and repay them or they'll find me."

My elbow was still at his neck making his voice strained, "You got that right, beautiful. And if you don't they'll mess with you and your freak show friends." I narrowed my eyes at his and kicked his stomach, making him double over. 

"Fine. I'll be there."

12:00 am

I jumped off my balcony and made my way to the nearest Zeta Tube. I didn't want anyone knowing where I was going. But where i was going I needed help, and i knew just the person. I got to the Zeta Tube and made my way to El Paso, Texas. 


Woo! An other chapter! Hope you like it! I think the next one will be good. Thank you for over 100 reads! Comment or vote if you enjoy these! Follow for more updates! 

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