You Don't Know Me (Chapter 15)

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-Jaime POV-

At about 12:45 a.m, I heard a knocking at my window. I walked over to a window where i saw Tiffany kneeling on the window still. She was in a whole new different attire since the last time i've seen her. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and she had an eyebrow and nose piercing that i've never seen before. She was wearing a long threch jacket with killer looking boots and her black fingerless gloves. That means where she was going, she was prepared to fight. I can see at her waist she had what looked like a bunch of different dangerous looking daggers.

"Uh...." I was speechless. "I need your help. I'll explain on the way. Throw these on." She toss me a jacket and a shirt. I looked at her confused, but the look on her face showed that she meaned buisness. I threw on the clothes she gave me and followed her down to the ground no questions asked.

Down the street was a black taxi, which was waiting for us. We piled inside and the taxi took off even before i can close the door all the way. I was pushed back onto my seat as the taxi acelerated with speed.

"Okay, can you explain now?"

"You know how i told you i stayed in a warehouse when i would runaway from my foster family? Well lets just say, last time i was there, some things when down and they want there revenge and money. But i plan on stopping them, so i need your help to take them. I'm tired of them messing with me." I was still speech less. But she was waiting for an answer.

"Okay, but why me?" She smiled and looked out the window. "Because i trust you, Jaime." Something about this girl, she always made me blush and i don't blush. But right now, i was as red as Robin's suit.

About 15 mins later Tiffany told the taxi man to stop. She threw some money at him and pulled me out of the car. We arrived at a old Zeta Tube on the otherwise if town. She pulled me in and pushed in a few coordinates. I didn't know where we were but Tiffany walked out so I followed her.

Again, i was confused. In front of us was a bunch of abandoned looking warehouses. Windows shattered, beer bottles and cigar butts everywhere. But still Tiffany walked over all the litter like it didn't faze her. I had no choice to follow. We walked to the back to a warehouse where i can see some light coming through the windows.

She tossed me a pair of glasses "Put these on." I did as i was told. She knocked on the door and a little slit open up and a pair of green eyes came into view.

"What do you- Oh! Tiff! Look who finally came out of hiding?! Its been so long. How are yoooou?" The girl had a high pitch voice. "Let me in, Pitch." Go figure. "How about... no. You owe money. You don't get to come in, honey." I can tell she was having fun with this. "Let me in or I break down the door." All Pitch did was laugh. "You? Break down this door? I like to see you try." With that she closed the slit and i heard the sound of the door lock click.

Tiffany turned around and walked to me. At first i thought she had given up, but all she did was adjusting her gloves and say to me, "Jaime. Sonic blast the door." I looked at her like she was crazy. "What?!"

"Just do it!" I made my arm into my Sonic gun and blasted it at the door, knocking it off its hinges. "Thanks, Blue." She walked into the warehouse, where she pick up Pitch by her shirt and threw her against the wall like a rag doll. I followed her inside where i saw inside the warehouse. It was about 3 stories and it was all open so you can see all the way up to the 3rd floor bed rooms. People where walking all around and they were all watching us. All the people here looked like thugs, were all the criminals came. Some of them were yelling at Tiffany and me, giving us hungery looks. While some didn't even pay attention to us.

Tiffany stopped walking when a guy about our age walked up in front of her. Two others guys stood behind him. This didn't look like it was going to end well.

"You. I guess rumor was right that you ARE back. You got a lot of guts coming back here. Big Shot want you head. What do YOU want?" He had his hand were clenched into fist.

Even though i was freaking out on the inside and out, Tiffany remained calm and collected, "You know what i'm here, Micheal." She pointed to a closed door at the back. "I'm here to finish some buisness with Big Shot." The guy just laughed, "You'll just have to go through us." He stepped forward and brought his fist toward her face. She blocked it and brought it behind his back. She jabbed her fingers on a few points in his arms and neck. She kicked him down, where he laid there like a limp noodle. He couldn't move.

"What the hell you idiots doing?! Get her and her stupid boyfriend!" Crap.

-Tiffany POV-

"Blue! Suit up! But don't majorly hurt anyone!" He nodded, suited up and flew upward to get away from the people attacking him and attacked from above.

"Fancy boyfriend you got there. Now let's see what you can do." The guys advance on me and attacked. I jumped onto one of their shoulders and hit a few pressure points, making him go limp and kicked him to knock him out. The other goon grabbed me from behind. I set my hair ablaze making him let go and knocked his out with a near by wood plank. Thank god they never clean this place. I turned around to see everyone knocked out by Jaime.

"Nice. Let's go." We walked to the room where Big Shot was and kicked down the door. He must of known we were coming for him because, he was trying to squeeze his fat ass out of the window. I pulled him out and sat him in the chair.

"Ah, darling. My beautiful girl. How have you been?", he said nervously. "Cut the bullshit." I twisted his collar in my hand, setting my hand on fire, "You don't mess with my friends and I. You think you know what you're up against but trust me. You don't. I'm not the little girl you all thought i am."

To prove my point I let go of him and at punched a soild hole into the wall with my burning hand, setting the wall on fire. I turned to face Big Shot who was trying to look tough, but end up looking like a fool. Sweat was starting to go down his forhead.

"I did what i had to do and you know it. But you wanted to make it a big deal so you can get your money. But i'm not going to. Your goons need to stop following me around and harrasing me. They might be the one doing the dirty work, but you're the one controling them. So i suggest you leave me and my friends alone or the walls aren't gonna be the only things burning. There's a lot i can do. You don't know me. Gotta it?!" he nodded frantially. I pressed a few points on his body and threw him against the floor. I signaled Blue to follow me. We needed a ride home and i knew just the place to get a ride.

We entered the warehouse garage which was filled with some of the most fastest and most beautiful cars out there. Most were stolen. I walked straight to the motorcycles and hopped onto my favorite one and started the engine. Jaime looked at me stunned unsure what to do.

"Get on." He grinned and hopped on. "Hang on." He wrapped his arms around my waist as I pressed down on the gas and sped away before anyone could follow us.


This chapter was to show a little bit about Tiffany's past. Hope you enjoyed it! Comment and Vote is you liked it! Follow for more updates!

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