I Love You (Chapter 33)

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-Tiffany POV-

Pulling out the computer that Barbara gave me for school, i opened up the bottom of it to expose the wires. "Found it." I whispered to myself and pulled on a few wires, until a the tracking device that Barbara had installed into it came loose. I ripped it out and threw it in the trash and closed the computer up. "Not going to track me. Not that easily."

I started pulling out clothes from my closet and dresser, while i pressed down on my com to contact Jaime.

"Jaime." I said once i got a hold of him. "Just stay home okay? I'll be there in a couple of hours to get my bag."

I heard something drop with a thud, probably my bag. "Well okay then. Hasta prondo." He hung up, leaving me with the pile of clothes i was going to bring on my 'trip'. I sighed and laid down on my bed. My stomach was all twisted into ball from being nervous about tonight.

After tonight things were going to change. I've decided to leave a bit earlier than i had plan. My plan was to go to Jaime's house for a final good bye and then late at night, when everyone was asleep, i would leave. I already have everything ready. I would take the motorcycle i was borrowing from a friend to the nearest train station and take a series of trains and buses to Detroit, sending anyone who was looking for me on a wild goose chase. All i needed was my bag, which was at Jaime's house. Then after that, my journey would finally begin.

-Jaime POV-

I flew into my open window and grabbed Tiffany's bag to give it back to her. As i was just about to make my way back, i heard her voice in my intercom. "Jaime. Just stay home okay? I'll be there in a couple of hours to get my bag." I put the bag back down on the floor and responded. "Well okay then. Hasta prondo."

Now what to do while i wait for her. I paced back and forth in my room, taking a seat at my desk. When i looked at all the papers, i saw multiple drawings that Tiffany had made. They were more realistic pictures of what looked like us. A lot of the drawings were things we have done in real life. They were amazing. Looking more carefully at the pictures, i noticed that they were all numbered. Picking them up carefully, i taped them to my wall in number order. I couldn't see why they were all numbered, so i just assumed they were numbered just so she knew which one she drew first and so on.

Having nothing else to do, i decided it was about time i paid Tye a visit. I rode my skateboard all the way to his house and knocked on the door. "Jaime-kun!" Said Asami when she answered the door. I forgot they lived together. "Hey Asami? Is Tye here?" She nodded, understanding what i was saying. "Yes. Tye is here." Getting better at english i see.

"Hey Jaime. Whats up?" said Tye walking from the hallway. He instantly took Asami's hand and lead her and me to the couch. "Uh, nothing. Just decided to visit while i wait for Tiffany to get here." Tye and Asami gave each other a look at Tiffany's name. "Yeah. Lets talk about her. Jaime shes a juvenile runaway teenager. Shes nothing but bad news." I narrowed my eyes at him and responded coldly, "You've runaway a bunch of times, ese. Who are you to judge?"

"The difference between her and I is that I'm not wanted all over the east coast area. People are hunting her down. Once they find out she has a boyfriend, they're going to after you for questioning and stuff. She's dangerous and you being with her is putting yourself and possibility your family at risk."

My temper was rising, "So what do you suggest? I break up with her?"

"No... but the reason why I'm telling you this is that I'm concern for you and if breaking up with her is the only way from keeping something bad happening, lets just say I won't stop you from breaking up with her."

I got up angrily and headed for the door, frustrated and offened by Tye. "You have no idea what your talking about. Yes, people are after her, but once we leave no one can get us, hermano. I'm not breaking up with her." Tye got up, walking toward me.

"Jaime-" I slammed the door in his face, cutting him off and rode back home trying to calm down. How can he even think that? He was my best friend and he knows Tiffany would not put me in danger. Or at least try her best not too.

Around 8 o'clock, Tiffany finally came over to retrieve her bag. By the time she came, I was still trying to get what Tye had said out of my mind. I opened the door for her, wrapping my arm around her and lead her to the backyard, where i was hanging out prier to her arrival. "Long time no see right?" I asked jokily. She eyes lit up. "Its been forever." We were laying alone under the big tree which my mom decorated with lights, making it look like a million fireflies were above us.

She was wearing makeup to cover up her scar, but other than that she wore no makeup. "You know, you should just stop wearing makeup. You like excauly the same without it." She laughed. "How about no. Keeps me from getting recognized, Jaime."

I reached for her face, "Yeah but..." She grabbed my hand from touching her face, faint smile on her face.

"But nothing."

"Your bag is upstairs, wanna get it?" She intertwined her fingers with mine. "Lets just stay here for now. Its not like everyday we get to sit and look at the stars." We laid in silence for a while, just staring into the sky holding hands. All i can hear was the sounds of crickets and my parents talking inside.



"You know how all of these people are looking for you, it's really dangerous for you to just wander around. And I was thinking what happens if they do find you and they find out about US, do you think they will go after me? These people who are looking for you don't seem like the good guys in this equation."

"Jaime, if they were to lay a finger on you, you better believe they will be a pile of ashes on the floor. Please, don't even think about that."

I smiled to myself at that response. Tye was wrong. "I just wanted to make sure, hermosa. Same when it comes to you, I'll protect you." She sat up and raise her eyebrow. I sat up too, giving her a nervous look, "I mean, it's not like you need protecting. You can take care of yourself." She smiled and laid her head on my legs. I sighed a sigh of relief, thankful she didn't get mad.

Tiffany suddenly cleared her throat and brought her voice to a hush, "Jaime. I want to know that you mean everything to me. Ever since I was a kid, you were the only person I had in my life that truly cared for you. You and your family treated me like I was one of you guys. No one else in the world treats me like the way you do."

Listening to her talk about this made something open up in me. It made me want to say the thing I've been wanting to say to her face to face. I've said it to her before but she was asleep. I had to tell her before I lost my guts.

"I love you." She blinked, looking shocked.

"What?" She whispered sitting up to face me.

"I know we have only dated for a few month, but I've known you longer than I have known anyone. I know you never want to hurt me and I will hurt you. I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, I love you."

Tiffany sat there wide eye, mouth hanging open slightly. She seemed to be for a lost of words and her lack of response was making me nervous.

"You not saying anything is making me really nervous." She snapped back at me and shook her head.

"I'm sorry. I just- I don't know what to say."

"You can say it back." i said shyly. She laughed and kissed my cheek. "I love you too, Jaime. I mean it. I love you."

My nervousness washed away and was replaced with joy and relief. I leaned in and kissed her softly, making her smile and holding the sides of my face so I wouldn't leave.

"Ahem!" We pulled away and looked behind us to face my sister who was standing there, her hands on her hips. I groaned, "Yes?"

"Mom wants to know if Tiffany is staying or if you two are just gonna keep kissing!"

I got up, helping Tiffany to her feet. "Im not staying much longer, Milagro. Your brother has school tomorrow anyway." Tiffany responded calmly.

"I'll tell mom that then." She turned around and headed back into the house skipping, us following close behind.

"Your sister is so cute." I snorted and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "Try living with her, ese."

We walked back to my room, Tiffany gravitating to her bag and swinging it back on her shoulder. "Leaving already? You can stay over a little bit more." I asked hopefully.

She bit on her lower lip and shook her head. "Sorry, babe. You have school and I'm... otherwise occupied." She said in a whisper. Sighing in disappointment, we walked down stairs and stood on my front porch.

"See you later then?" She didn't met my eyes or nod. All she did was reach out, placing her hands on the side of my face and merging our lips together. She buried her head in my chest wrapping her arms around my neck while i held her around her waist.

When she pulled away, her eyes were brimmed with tears, "Good bye, Jaime. I love you so much. Remember that."

"I love you too." I said as I touched her face to wipe away the single tear that had fallen onto her cheek. I didn't know why she was acting so different, why she was crying, but before i can ask she was already walking away, jumping on her board. 

The street lights turning on as she walked past them. I watched her ride away, swerving around the cars until I couldn't see her waist long brown hair or hear her longboard riding on the pavement. 

Little did I know of what she planned to do that night.


Next chapter is the last one then their will be a epilogue  I'm sad that this book is ending! But the next one would be up as soon as i can get it up! Thank you for reading! 

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