Sleep (Chapter 31)

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-Jaime POV-

Tiffany was in an other training session with her mentor Fire, leaving me alone to wonder around her room while I waited. Her room was mostly covered in drawing and her art, her closet filled with her clothes, her two boards and a few canvases.

Nothing super interesting. I walked out to go see what everyone else was doing and walked into Bart. "Hey ese. I didn't know you were here."

"Hey buddy! I just got here and saw that Tiffany was training, so I decided I want to do some snooping in her room. We still know little about her and I want to find out!"

Bart Allen is a threat to the Tiffany's privacy. Destroy him!

"That's not a good idea..." I said both to Bart and the scarab. "Don't worry! Come on!" He ran past me and entered Tiffany's room, opening her closet and drawers.

"Dude! She's going to kill you! There isn't anything interesting anyway." He opened a drawer and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Ah ha! Nothing interesting huh?" I stanched the box from his hand and looked at it. "She said she doesn't even smoke anymore..." I emptied the box onto the desk to throw away the cigarettes, but what came out was folded up papers and a new bus and train pass.

"What..." I examined the bus and ticket pass, while Bart looked at the papers. "These tickets are for the first week of september and for Detroit! That means she's leaving soon and there's only one pass. Does that mean-"

"Look." Bart unfolded the papers and it was different addresses and files of stuff I didn't know.

These files contain records of foster homes and family and their addresses. Tiffany has found the location she has originated from and will try to find her family.

"I could have figure that out on my own." i mumbled. 

"No you couldn't have if it wasn't for my awesome detective skills!"

"That's besides the point ese." I brought the papers closer to my face. "She's for real doing this and soon. Like really soon ese. Like maybe in a couple days soon."

Bart stood there awkwardly. "Well umm..."

Heat signals are showing Tiffany is coming around the corner.

"Bart! Put the stuff away! She's coming!" I hissed. He quickly folded the papers and stuff the things back into the box and threw it back in it's drawer.

The door open and in entered Tiffany. "Hey Jaime, you-" She looked up and saw Bart who had tried to run out the door but instead had to resort trying to hide behind the dresser. "BART!"

"Tiffany! Hey!" He asked, panic in his voice. She set her hands ablaze, making his stumble and fall as he ran out. "So not crash!" He yelled back as he ran away.

"That kid is always here. It's like he lives here instead of living with his grandparents."

I stood lost in thought, not listening to what was she was telling me. There was only one ticket. Does that mean I will get mine there? or does it mean... No. It can't be true.

"Jaime. You okay?" She touched my shoulder making me snap back to her. I backed away from her touch. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Her face was full of concern.

"I don't think so. Tell me." I shook my head, "Nothing is wrong." I lied. She looked hurt that I wasn't tell the truth, but I wanted to change the subject. We can talk about this later when I figure out what I wanted to say.

Touching her face to put her at ease. "Lets go back to my house okay?" Her face lighten up slightly, "Okay. Just let me change."

"Bring a extra change of clothes incase you sleep over again." She smiled and began packing. I smiled back at her and closed the door, my face instantly forming back to a frown.

When we got to my house, my dad and sister were home. "Dad, is it okay if Tiffany sleeps over again?" He looked up from what he was doing and looked at me then Tiffany, then back at me. " Yes. Son. Sea la protección y uso seguro."

I threw my hands up in the air, exasperated and pulled Tiffany up the stairs. "Por favor, deja! Please! Stop!" I slammed the door when we entered my room.

"What did he say?" asked Tiffany, looking puzzled. I just groaned and laid on my homework (which I finished).

"I really need to learn Spanish don't I?" She asked as she laid next to me. I started at my ceiling, holding her hand. "Hermosa. You don't even know."

She decided to stay an other night, so when she was in the shower, I decided to investigate more. I knew she kept some stuff in her bag that she brought every time she ran away. Opening it up, all it contained was her clothes and some drawing supplies. All the little zippers were filled with coins and other junk. Nothing that would give me more information about her trip.

She keeps secrets from you. Integrate her!

"I'm not going to integrate my own girlfriend."

"What?" A damp Tiffany entered the room, her long brown hair dripping wet. She looked great no matter what. "I- uhh-"

Ask. Ask! ASK!

"Fine! I'll ask!" Her face twisted with confusion. "Jaime! What?"

"Oh um. So today when Bart was in your room, he found a pack of cigarettes. So I took them and dumped it out, expecting it to be cigarettes but it was printed out files and buses and train tickets. For Detroit. And they were for somewhere in the first week of September. There's something you aren't telling me and I want to know what and why."

She raised her eyebrows at me, thinking about what to say. "Let me- Okay. I'm leaving. In september. Those tickets are just... there! In case i decided to leave in the first week, you know? Because i can change my mind and leave later on. But you shouldn't worry about me, Jaime. I've been taking care of myself for the last 17 years."

Voice analysis can not detect if the Tiffany is lying. Force the truth!

I ignored the scarab and continuted, "But not in places like there. The number 1 most dangerous city, just by itself. And it doesn't help that all of our enemies hide outs are there."

"Babe. I'll manage. You're freaking out over nothing." She touched my face, her mer touch making me instantly cool down. "Calm down." She placed her other hand on my shoulder, her fingers pressing down on some of the hard pressure points on my neck area, making me feel weak and relaxed.

"Am I going with-" She kissed me, making me forget what I was going to say. "You have school tomorrow?" she asked her forehead touching mine.  

"Three day weekend." I answered softly. I felt like I was in a trace looking at her. The way her hair fell softly onto her face and how her scar made her mis colored eyes stand out. Right now I was noticing all the little things about her. And man was she beautiful.

"Sleep." She softly pressed my left temple making me feel extremely sleepy. I laid my head on my pillow, staring at her face. She gently pressed her cushiony lips onto my skin. "Good night, Jaime."

The last thing I saw before I fell asleep was her lean on my window still and look out the window, the moon reflecting on the single tear falling down her beautiful, sad face.


Short chapter! I think the other one will be longer. On the side i drew a picture of Tiffany and Jaime. Just to help with the visiuals and i wanted to draw them. I messed up at some parts, but i think it turned out fine. Thank you for reading! Comment, vote, or share if you enjoyed it! (BTW just look up the spanish parts on google translate.)

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