Levy Zedd(Chapter 26)

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-Tiffany POV-

It was late August, the weather finally cooling down. The early fall wind was starting to pick up, blowing my hair in the wind while i walked in downtown Gotham with Barbara. Everyone with the exception of Tim had started school, which means i was usually alone stuck at the Cave.

Her and I had become close over the course of a few weeks. We discovered we had plenty in common and we enjoyed being in each others company. Today we thought this was the perfect opportunity to get out of the Cave and catch up. I did not feel like spending time alone with just Connor and Megan around.

"So you're sure you want to take online classes? You're more than welcome to enroll in Tim's school!" Said Barbara."Because you know, school starts in September and its only late August. I can get you to the front of the waiting list. Under your different name of course."

I've changed my appereance a bit. I dyed my hair ombre brown instead of my natural dark hair. Also i sadly had to get rid of my eye brow piercing. Gar told me i looked too much like a 'runaway teen poster child'. I had to cover up my scar with heavy make up to keep me from getting regonized in public. The scar has gotton worst and worst, becoming more red when i used my power. Making it hurt more and more. Very unusual.

To top this all off, i had to do yet, another name change. Instead of Tiffany Mapanao, I go by Levy Zedd in public and any legal form. With the help of Batman, he had helped me make a fake birth certificate to verify that i was in fact 'Levy Zedd'. But to everyone else, i was still Tiffany thankfully.

"No thanks Babs. Its really sweet for you to offer though. But I'm 100% sure I'm sticking to online classes. Gotham High or any school i have to physically attend to, isn't for me." She shrugged and walked along with me. We passed by a phone booth covered with posters. I looked through the  cluster of posters and saw one that caught my eye.

It was a wanted poster of me. The poster had a picture of me and the $50,000 reward plastered onto it. I yanked the poster off the booth and ripped it up. The media have been talking about me more and more, making up stories that were not at all true just to find me faster.

I was use to being posted on one of those missing/runaway teens poster at the most. But now i was being broadcasted onto almost every single news report and billboard. It was so strange.

"An other poster?"

"Yeah." I grimed as i threw the shredded paper into the trash.

"Do you have everything plan for your little trip? Like if you're going to bring you-know-who..." She was the only person beside Jaime who knew i was going to Detroit.

"I do. And i decided, i'm doing this alone." She stopped right in front of me, making me bump into her and pulled me aside into an alley way. "What?! Jaime will never let you do that!" I nodded sadly. "I know Barbara. Thats why i'm not telling him."

She looked baffeled. "What?" she hissed in a low voice. "You can't do that. He's- I mean-"

I put my hand up to silence her. "I know okay? Its not good to keep something this important from anyone, especially someone as important as him. But i know he will never let me go and i don't need him or anyone for that fact, controlling me."

Barbara stared at me with sad eyes, "What do you think is going to happen when you leave without him, Tiffany? When you leave he's going to try and stop you! Didn't you think of that?"

"Of course i have! Thats why i'm leaving with out him or anyone knowing. The first week of September i'm leaving. When in that first week, no one will know. Hes going to be too busy with school." I said.


"I know what i'm doing. I know when i leave without him, he's going to be mad with me... but its a risk I'm willing to take. He means the world to me and i have to keep him safe here, out of harms way."

"He's going to come looking for you." I ran my fingers through my hair and shook my head. "No. He isn't because, YOU are going to keep him from following me." She was about to say something but i cut her off. 

"I trust you, Barbara, to keep him from following me to Detriot."

She looked resistant but nodded solemnly. "I will. I don't agree with 100% of all the things you are doing, but this is your life and like you said, no one should control it. So i support you. I'll keep Jaime here." She grabbed me in a hug and walked back out of the alley way.

"Let's go back, Ti- Levy."

I followed her back to the nearsest Zeta-Tube. As we walked, I couldn't stop think about what i was going to do. Leaving my friends, everything i accomplished over the last couple of months. Leaving Jaime.

Our relationship has been going so well and leaving him for who knows how long, is going to take a toll on us. He is without a doubt going to be furious with me. Maybe even feel betrayed by me. What happens if he decideds- No. That was impossible and out of his character.

Jaime is just going to have to understand that i am protecting him. That i'm doing this for him and I. Once this is all gone and finished, we can finally live out lives together. I'm doing this for the both of us. He just needs to understand that. But if he can't understand that...

Everything that I am doing, will come to waste.


Short chapter! The next one will be short too. Probably, maybe. THANK YOU! For 500 reads! It seems like just yesterday I only had 20 reads. Thank you guys once again!

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