Do You Feel The Same? (Chapter 16)

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-Jaime POV-

We rode into the darkness and into the night, unsure on where we were going now. But all I can think about is how Tiffany handled those guys like she owned the place. It was a whole new different side of her I never knew existed.

I had my arms around her waist as i held on for dear life and couldn't help notice how warm she felt. I can tell she was upset. I couldn't say anything to her over the wind, so I just hugged her tighter.

She skidded to a stop in front of an other abandoned building and jumped off the bike. She sat down at the base of the building and put her face in her hands. The ends of her hair were flickering with fire casting strange shadows along the dark building walls. I sat myself next to her and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. She wasn't crying but from her body language she needed comforting.

"Hey. It's okay. I don't know what that really was about... but it seemed like you showed everyone what's up." She tilted her head up and chuckled, "I did huh?" I chuckled with her, "You did. You're a lot tougher than everyone thinks you are. That's what I like about you." She pulled off her gloves and stuffed them into her coat, "Thanks. There is just a lot you don't know about me. I've been through too much and now they're finally coming back to bite me on the ass." I looked at her face which was emotionless, but her voice was filled with regretfulness, " I'll be here to help you kick they're asses like we did today."

Just around the corner was a Zeta Tube, where I was gonna Zeta back home. I looked at her neck and saw she was wearing the necklace I made her. She notice and placed her hand on it.

"I wear it for good luck. So far it works." I can see her face turn red as she told me that. We both stared at each other and I knew what she wanted, because I wanted it just as badly for the last month. I reached down to her chin and lifted her head up gently so it faced mine. I leaned in and gave her a soft good night kiss on her lips. I felt her grin and return the kiss.

She hopped onto her bike and looked back at me. "See you tomorrow, Jaime. Thank you for coming here with me. I'll explain more about it tomorrow. Till then,good night." She started the engine and rode off to go home. Something I should be doing. I shifted a yawn and made my way back home.

-Tiffany POV-

Thankfully it was Saturday, so no training sessions. Just a full Saturday to myself. I rolled out of bed at 10:00 and was down by 11:00. It seemed I woke up to an empty home. No one was around. I was use to that. I was just about to relax when I heard someone behind me. I stood up fast, ready to fight, but it was only Jaime.

I jumped over the couch and tried to sound mad, "Damn it! You scared me. Where did you come from? I didn't hear the Zeta Tube!" He chuckled and made his way to the back where the bikes were. " Come on essa. We're going for a ride around town." I grinned and set the alarm system before leaving. I pulled out my longboard from the rack and followed Jaime down the dock.

He took me to a cafe where a bunch of other teenagers were hanging out and we bought some food and drinks. We skated to a near by closed skate park, were we sat down and ate our food.

"Since we're alone, let me explain everything okay? No questions till I'm done." He nodded mouth full. I drew in a deep breath. Okay.

"Ever since I was 13, I would go to warehouses owned by that guy Big Shot. Those warehouses are where people like me, runaways, minor criminals, no-goods, stay at. Everyone knew who I was. Big Shot looked after me and kept me safe. But only if I would do things for him. I would have to steal stuff for him and sometimes even hurt people to get info for him. I would sometimes get caught, sometimes on purpose so that the police would get me and take me to an other foster parent. Sometimes I just needed to get away from the warehouse." I paused to look at Jaime to see if he was listening. He nodded to let me know he was. I continued.

"When I was about 15 almost 16, I got into a big argument with this guy named Felix. I burned nearly half the building. They all thought I planned it all, that I put gasoline around the area and I lit it on fire. They thought I was trying to kill them all. So they banned me from coming back until I paid the money. I didn't for 8 months and I wasn't planning on to, so he would send people to come and harass me. Nothing major. But it was getting annoying and was making me mad." I explained to him what Slime had told me in the alley way. (In chapter 'You owe them') " So when slime told me that, I knew i needed to ended it all. Attacking him and his main warehouse in front of all his goons. Making sure he never messed with me again and hopefully it worked. We went to that old Zeta Tube so no one could track us. I brought you because I knew you weren't going to ask many questions and that you would help me no matter what." I inhaled deeply and waited for him to answer. It took him awhile but he finally spoke.

"Wow, I never knew. I glad you told me this. It helps me become closer to you, Tiff." He smiled at me, making me blush and look away. It wasn't much, but it was all I wanted to hear from him, because I knew he understood.

"But I do have one question... When we were there... they kept on calling me your...

uh.. boyfriend. And neither of us denied it. Also it's pretty clear on how we feel for each other. I just need to know..

is that do you like me, as more than friends? Because I need you to know... I like you. More than you think, Tiffany. Do you feel the same? " He swallowed hard like it was hard for him to say that. He looked at me anxiously waiting for me to reply.

All I thought in my head was YES! I FEEL THAT WAY! I truly feel that way about you. I like you. A lot. But in real life, I was speechless and couldn't answer. His hopeful smile dropped and he looked down at his feet. "You don't feel the same. It's okay." He was about to get up and leave when I snapped out of thought.

I pulled him down next to me and held his hands in mine, rubbing my thumb on his hands. "No! I feel the same way, Jaime! I really like you and I want us to to become more than just friends. You're my best friend and you mean so much to me. I feel the same, Jaime." His face automatically lit up as he gripped my hand tighter.

"Really?" He pulled me closer to him. "Really." I sat on his lap and positioned myself so I had my face to his.

He put his hand softly on the side of my face and said softly to me, "So with that. Firestorm, Tiffany, will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled and kissed him, "Yes, I will be your girlfriend." With that we pressed our lips together and kissed underneath the afternoon sky, letting go of the world and focused on just this moment.

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