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Some where in the east coast

"The girl is on the move. And her tracking device is indicating she is heading toward her... home. Detroit. But because of it's improper placement, it is difficult to say for sure."

"If her tracking device was properly placed in her shoulder where is was suppose to be implanted by the time of her... birth, instead of her left cheek, we would not be having this problem."

"We are aware of that. We all still apologize for sending someone to place the tracking device, who was not fit for the job."

Vandal Savage raised his hand to silence the man. "Don't. Even though my alias and i would have preferred it in the shoulder, having it placed on her face works just fine, even though it has left a gruesome scar across her face. The girl- what is her name again?"

"Tiffany, sir." 

"Ah yes, i remember. She has changed her identity multiple times, its become hard to track them all."

"Agreed. But i say we must focus at the task at hand. What shall we do if Tiffany find out about her true purpose of life? On her true purpose on why she was created? Her finding out can cause an uprise. It can attract the unwanted attention of the Justice League and their sidekicks."

"That is true. For now, we will focus on Tiff- actually, i prefer her original name. Project Fire. Yes... i like that very much."

Vandal stood from his chair and face the ceiling to floor windows that over looked the setting sun, a grin growing across his face. "We will deal with the Justice League and their sidekicks when the time comes. Right now, we shall make sure the Project Fire is going according to plan." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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