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Sams pov.

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears, causing me to fall off the bed. I reached up to the bedside table and turned off the alarm. " 5:38! ONLY 22 MINUTES!" i yelled jumping towards my closet and changed into my school uniform. running a little to quickly, almost tripping down the stairs i rushed into the kitchen."toast.. Granola bar....POP TARTS!" i grabbed the box of pop-tarts and ran outside to my bike. "5:45... 15 minutes" i muttered to myself trying to pedal faster. once I Finally reached the school I threw my bike to the side and ran to class. " Okay class you can sit now" Mrs. Okami said after I got to my seat. After role call two girls walked into the classroom. " Today we have two new students! Girls would you like to introduce yourselves?" she said turning her attention to them.

Minerals pov.

when we walked into the class room i saw some of the weirdest people ever.

a kid with a space helmet? another had bunny ears, and one in the back was missing an eye.

i realized the teacher had told us to introduce ourselves. "Hi im Mineral! i like drawing writing and singing!" i said waving to everyone. i noticed misty was extremely quiet for a while. " H-Hi im misty.. i like art mineraft, music and fanfiction!" she smiled and bounced a bit.

" Please welcome these to Girls to the class! you can take any empty seat you want." the teacher said. " lets sit over here!" I whispered and sat next to the green girl. Misty took the seat next to me.
"I have one more announcement before we begin today's lesson."
She said standing up from her desk.
"There have been reports of a death and a missing student.. As some of you may know. Miss invader died yesterday. I would like to have a moment of silence please..." she spoke in a quiet sympathetic tone.
The silence was killing me.
I broke down in tears.
the teacher walked over and hugged me until I calmed down.
The teacher continued with some basic school rules. " for the next week or so Instead of homework, we will be doing a group class project!" the bell rang and I picked up my papers.

"We will talk more about it tomorrow!" she yelled as we cleared out of the classroom.
Looking at the schedule I saw we had lunch next.
Running up to the first person I saw and tapped on his shoulder.
"Hi sorry do bother you, I was just wondering where the cafeteria is?" I asked looking up at him.

"Oh! Yeah we can show you guys, Come with us!" he said motioning to his friend.

"Awesome" I said following them down the stairs.

Salex's pov.

I saw Taurtis , Sam and two other girls walk into the cafeteria.
"Ugh sookie there hanging out again! " I growled

"Sorry to here that... " she said in a sad motionless tone.
I took her cookie from her lunch tray and walked towards Taurtis.

"Hay Babe!" I said smiling.
These little brats better stay out of me and Taurtis' Relationship or there will be problems...

Thank you all so much for 3k reads!
2 shout outs today!
Tysm to my friend Maddie for reading my book. And thanks to MineralFoxLover for being in this chapter
:3 comment your Oc info in the comments and u could be in 2-3 chapters of this book!
Schedule this week is...



Saturday & Sunday (if possible)

Stay awesome guys.


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