Chapter 2

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Kellin's P.O.V.

I stir the spaghetti noodles on the stove, wondering where Vic was. Josh was in his baby chair watching Disney Junior. It's my gial to get my kid obsessed with Disney. I drain the noodles and put them back in the pot before setting it on the stove next to the meatballs and sauce. The doorvell rings and I wipe my hands on a rag before grabbing Josh and going to answer the door. My Mom and Dad stand there with Vivian and Victor walking up behind them. I greet them and peck Vivian and my Mom's cheeks. They all come in and I hand my Mom Josh so they could all take turns holding him.

"Where's Vic?" Vivian asks. "He's on his way," I told her before excusing myself and dialing his number. "Hello Darling," he answers. "Where are you? Dinner is done and our parents are here!" I exclaim. "I'm pulling into the driveway right now," he says. "Okay," I sigh and hang up. I get out six plates and dish out spaghetti and meatballs on each, adding a peice of garlic bread. I set it all on the dinibg room table along with a glass of milk for everyone.

Josh starts crying as the front door opens and I rush in as Vic takes Josh from his Dad. Josh calms down and looks up at Vic as Vic greets everyone. He sees me and smiles, coming over and pecking my cheek. "Hello Darling," he smiles. "Hello. Dinner is done," I announce and we all enter the dinibg room and Vic hands me Josh as he goes to change out of his work clothes. We sit and wait for Vic to come back to eat. I bribg in Josh's chair and sit him in between Vic and I since we were at the end of the table.

Vic comes back and sits down and we all dig in. "How was work?" I ask Vic. "Good, but I was just missing you and Josh," he sighs. I nod. "So Vic, when do you plan on marrying my son?" my Dad asks. "Whenever he wants me to. Hell, we don't even need a big old fancy wedding if he doesn't want one, just sign some papers," he smiles. "Language," our Moms scold at the same time, causibg our Dads to laugh. "Creepy as fück," I mutter under my breath. "No kidding," Vic mumbles. We just look at each other and grin, me getting lost in his warm brown iris'.

He smirks as someone clears their throat and I look down with a blush. Vic laughs and changes the subject. "This spaghetti is delicious," he informs me. "Thank you," I smile as our parwnts make.murmurs of agreement. We finish dinner while making small talk and Vic leads our parents into the living room to entertain them with Josh. I clear off the table and wash the dishes, wiping down the table and counters when I'm done. I enter tge livibg room where our parents are laughing at somethibg Vic said. Josh starts crying and I take him from Vic and make him a bottle after feeling his diaper is dry.

I grab a burp rag from the nursery and sit on the couch as he feeds, listening to them talk about some upcoming event their going to. Vic just nods and asks questions because its some older people thing. I take the bottle away from Josh and burp him before letting him finish off the bottle. I burp him again before putting the towel by the washer and sitting back on the couch next to Vic who immediately puts his arm around me. I make sure Josh is secure in one arm and put my other hand on Vic's knee.

Josh ends up falling asleep so I get up and go to the nursery, gently laying him in his crib and tucking him in. I go back out and see our parents standing up. "Are you guys leaving?" I ask. They nod and I frown and hug my parents before saying goodbye to Vic's parents. Vic walks them outside as I watch from the doorway. They all get in their cars before leaving and Vic grabs a bag from his passenger seat. He comes back up and smirks as he notices my curious look.

He goes into the bedroom and I follow him. "What did you buy?" I ask. He takes whatever's in the bag out before turning to me. In his hand he held a box of condoms and lube. I stare at him wide-eyed. "I got this because, well, you know," he smiles awkwardly. I nod in understanding. We did have sex once, but after that I fell pregnant. "So, do you want to?" he asks. I mull it over in my head, decidong to let out a nod. "We'll see what happens," I smile. He nods and smiles, setting the stuff in his night stand.

I sigh as he walks out of the room. I quickly change into my oversized nightshirt and put my clothes into the empty hamper. I check on Josh and see that he's sound asleep. I walk into the living room to see Vic watching T.V. I sit on the couch next to him, snuggling into his side. He mutes the T.V. as it goes on commercial, turning to me. "So, the boss came to me today and asked why I've been out. When I told him about Josh he just left. After a while I got called to his office. He promoted me and I now get to work from home. I just migt be called in for meetings from time to time," Vic informs me.

"Babe, that's great!" I exclaim. "Yeah it is. I get to be with you and Josh more!" he laughs. I peck his lips and pull away but he follows, our lips connecting again. The kiss starts off as slow and sweet but turns fast and passionate. I manuever myself so that I'm in Vic's lap, straddling him. I hear the T.V. turn off before he stands uo, me breaking the kiss to let out a squeal. He reconnects our lips as we walk to our room.

We go in and he sits me on the bed, taking off my shirt. I tugg at his shirt and he takes it off before laying me down. I play with his belt as he kisses my neck, sucking and biting my sweet spot, causing me to moan. He goes back up to my lips and his tongue enters my mouth. I moan into the kiss, tangling my fingers in his hair.

~~~~I don't write the nasty~~~~

Vic wraps his arms around me after we clean up. I cuddle into his chest as he pulls the blankets over us. "That was great," he breathes, pressing a kiss to the top head. "Yeah it was," I agree. "Goodnight Kellin, I love you," he yawns. "Goodnight Vic, I love you too," I smile. I close my eyes as his breathing evens out. His heart thumps evenly in my ear. I fall asleep soon after, a smile on my lips.

{Boom, another chapter, I mean, Hiiiiiii! I hope you enjoy this chapter I so lovingly gave you. I might add some heartwrenching drama later or something so, yeah. Anyways, comment or message me questions, also comments make me happy! Have an amazingly wonderful day/night and don't forget to brighten the world with your smile!}

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