Chapter 8

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Two years later. . .

Kellin's P.O.V.

"Josh, come out now!" Melody calls in her adorable baby voice. Her and Josh were playing hide and go seek while I make lunch. Vic had gotten a now job and was now in charge of many recording studios around, meaning he was gone all day sometimes. Alan and Austin both had work and I offered to watch Melody so they wouldn't have to pay hundreds a week for a daycare. I hear Josh giggle from where he was hiding, which was in the pantry closet. Melody looks around until she sees me and her eyes water slightly and she pouts.

"Uncle Kelly, I'm scared 'cause I lost Josh," Melody starts crying. I crouch down and wipe away her tears. "Hey, it's fine, he's not lost," I coo as Josh comes out of the pantry closet. "Melly, I'm sorry," he comes over and hugs her. She hugs him back and her eyes clear within seconds. "It's okie Joshy," Melody smiles and they skip off to Josh's room. I sigh and stand up, finishing making lunch for the kids and myself. I cut up the hot dogs like the kids like and add some mac and cheese for them. I put mine on a bun and add some mac and cheese, adding ketchup on the kids plate, not putting any on mine. I set the three plates on the table along with a fork.

I go back into the kitchen and grab two Disney sippy cups from the cupboard and fill it with sweet tea for the kids. I set it on the table and pour myself a glass of Dr. Pepper, really wanting it at the moment. "Josh! Melody! Time to eat!" I call and hear the pitter patter of running feet. "No running," I scold softly as they sit down at their plates. "Okay," they nod as they dig in. I sit down gently and start eating, watching as the kids talk in between bites. We finish and I take our plates into the kitchen and walk back into the dining room to see the kids are yawning. "Come on guys," I chuckle, picking them both up and taking them into the living room. I put them on the couch and they cuddle up together as I put in Sleeping Beauty.

I make sure the blinds and curtains are closed, darkening the afternoon sun, making the atmosphere of the room seem sleepy. I grab the blanket from the back of the couch and cover them. I sit down in the recliner, knowing that's where I would end up if I left the room anyways. They always wanted me in the recliner so they could fall asleep. After about half an hour they were both soundly asleep so I turned off the movie and put in a CD I made. The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! At The Disco comes on and I make sure the music is lowered so it doesn't wake the kids. I go into the kitchen and wash the dishes from lunch and wipe down the counters.

Next I go around picking up toys and garbage on the tables, wiping down the tables with disinfectant wipes afterwards. I sweep the floors before mopping the floors and letting them dry. After they dry I grab the dirty clothes from the bedrooms and bring them by the washer and dryer. First I start with Vic's and a little of Josh's clothes, knowing Vic was running low on his work pants or whatever. I go into Josh's room and pick up the little mess they had made in here, they like making the mess in the main part of the house. I vacuum his room and grab his blankets and sheets on his red toddler bed, putting them out by the washer. I go back and spray disinfectant spray on his toys and spray air freshener on his stuffed animals and bed.

Next I move to mine and Vic's room, organizing the dresser and nightstands before dusting and vacuuming the floor. I take our bed stuff and set it by the washer and dryer, switching the stuff in the washer to the dryer and putting in the last load of clothes. I go back into our room and spray disinfectant and air freshener before walking out into the kitchen, grabbing a water from the fridge and guzzling it down. I had cleaned the bathrooms yesterday along with the guestroom so everything was clean now. I also had to go shopping and make a list of what we need but that could wait until tomorrow.

A knock sounds at the door and I sigh, going over to the door and opening it, seeing Jack and Alex. "Hey guys," I smile, letting them in.  "Hey Kells." they greet. We go into the kitchen since the kids are sleeping and I lean against the counter. "So we were wondering if you could come over tonight?" Jack asks. "Uh, why?" I ask. "Because," Alex shrugs. "Um, it depends on if I can bring Josh and if not it depends on if Vic will let me," I sigh. "Cool, thanks," Jack smiles like an idiot. "Jack, don't be creepy," Alex scolds playfully. "But babe, you love when I'm creepy," Jack purrs and I roll my eyes. They continue to flirt and I hear one of the kids walking into the kitchen.

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