Chapter 4

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Four months later. . . .

Kellin's P.O.V.

"Hey Kellin," Vic greets me as I walk in from the store. "Hey Vic," I smile at him. He pecks my cheek before taking the bags from me and going into the kitchen. I follow and we put up the groceries together. "Where's Josh?" I ask him. "In the nursery sleeping," he informs me. I nod and walk into the nursery. "Hi baby," I coo softly at my child. He just stays sleeping and I take out my phone and snap a picture.

Vic comes in and shakes his head as he sees me save the picture. "I missed you today," he wraps his arms around me from behind. I turn so that I'm looking at him. "I missed you too," I smile at him. He pecks my lips and pulls away with a grin. "Can I take you on a date tonight?" he asks. "Honey, I'd love too but what about Josh?" I ask him.

"We could probably get one of the guys to watch him," he suggest and I look at him like he's crazy. "Vic, you want children trapped in a grown man's body to watch our little pride and joy?" I ask. "Okay, good point. What about our parents? They can even spend the night in the guest room," he smiles. "Okay, now do we call your parents our my parents?" I ask. "My Dad is out of town and my Mom is busy at the moment so probably yours," Vic says after a few minutes of thinking. I nod and pull out my phone.

I dial my Mom's number and wait for hwr to answer. "Hey Kellin," my Mom greets. "Hey Ma, do you think you and Dad could watch Josh tonight? You can even stay the night if you want to," I offer. "Sure thing honey. What time would we need to be over?" she questions. I ask Vic and he gives me a time. "About six," I inform her. "Okay, we'll be over then. Bye, love you," she says. "Bye, I love you too," I smile and hang up.

"So is she coming over?" Vic asks me. "Yeah, around six," I smile at him. He pecks my lips and goes to say something but Josh starts crying. I sweep him arms and rock him as I feel his diaper. Nope. Vic leaves and comes back with a bottle. I put it up to Josh's lips and he shakes his head. I set the bottle on his dresser and look at Vic who shrugs. I sigh and start swinging him in my arms. He cries harder and I sigh, laying him against my chest and patting his back softly. He calms down and I sigh.

Vic smiles and takes a picture of us. I shake my head and go to put Josh in his crib but he starts crying again so I pick him up. I sigh and smile at Vic. "Wanna watch Tarzan?" I ask. "Sure Kells, I'll get the drinks and popcorn if you get the bkanket and put in the movie," he offers. I nod and we walk out of the room. I go into the hallway closet, grabbing the big mocha fuzzy blanket before going into the living room. I put the blanket on the couch and put in Tarzan, making sure that everything was on and I had the remotes before sitting down.

Vic comes in and sits beside me, handing me my drink. I take a couple of sips before putting it on the coffee table. I press play as Vic puts his arm around me. I move Josh so he is facing the television and he gets distracted by the pretty colors. I snuggle into Vic's side and we watch the movie, losing ourselves into the world of Tarzan.

~~~~~~Skip to date~~~~~~

"Kellin, just go," my Mom laughs as I fuss over her and Josh. "Okay, okay, but call or text me if you need anything and I'll come right home," I rant and she just looks at me with the Mom look. Vic sighs and takes my hand, saying goodbye as he leads me out the door. We go to his car and he opens the passenger door for me. "Thank you," I smile as I get in the car. "You're welcome," he smiles, shutting the door for me. "Where are we going?" I ask him. "It's a surprise," he informs me with a smile. I sigh and he grins, intertwining oir hands as he drives. I turn on some music and let it fill our comfortable silence.

Vic drives for a good hour or two before pulling up to a parking space by the beach. "Come on," he smiles, getting out of the car and coming to my side, opening the door. I grab his hand and he leads me to a place where there was a blanket spread and a picnic basket. "Did you recreate-" he cuts me off with a kiss. "Where we first told each other that we love each other," he mutters against my lips. I smile and hug him tightly.

We sit down and he pulls out the food. There was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit salad and orange soda. We eat, smiling and making small talk before layibg down, cuddles up. I make shapes with my finger on Vic's chest, giggling slightly. "Vic, do you know I love you?" I ask. "Did you know I love you too?" he retorts. I nod and peck his jaw before laying my head on his chest.

"What do you think our wedding will be like?" I ask Vic after a few minutes. "Perfect as long as you're there," he smiles fondly at me. "Cheeseball," I smirk. "I know," he tells me. "Well, do you want a big wedding or small wedding?" I ask him. "A small. Unless you want a big one," he smiles. "No, I want a small one too," I inform him. "Okay Darling," he looks into my eyes. "You're so beautiful," he whispers, brushing back my hair as I blush.

"T-thanks," I grin. He leans in and pecks my lips, going to pull away. I follow and connect our lips in a kiss. He kisses back and dominates the kiss. His tongue runs along my bottom lip and I part my lips. Our tongues brush against each other as we make out, Vic rolling us so he hovers over top of me. I loop my arms around his neck and tangle my fingers in his hair. I pull away for air and he kisses down my neck until he finds my sweet spot, sucking and biting it, causing me to moan slightly.

Our hands roam each other's body as we reconnect our lips. Our bodies are flush against each other and the kiss was heated. My phone rings and Vic mutters, "Ignore it." "I-I can't. I-It might be m-my Mom," I stutter as he sucks on my neck. He sighs and pulls away and I pull my phobe from my pocket, answering it without looking.

"Hello?" I ask, out of breath. "Honey, I hate to interrupt, but Josh feels like he's runnibg a fever," my Mom's voice rings in my ear. "Okay, we'll be right there," I inform her, hanging up. "Vic, Josh is running a fever," I say ad he hops up, bringing me with him. We quickly gather the blanket and basket before going to the car and rushing home.

As I enter the house my Mom is wiping Josh with a rag and he's only in a diaper. "My poor baby," I coo softly as she hands me him. "We'll have to take him to the doctor's tomorrow," Vic says and I nod. "Okay, well I'm going to head home since your Dad just called. Call if you need me," my Mom days and I nod, thanking her. She gives me a hug and pecks Josh's forehead before Vic walks her out.

I here a sneeze and look down at my baby. I grab a tissue from the box on the coffee table and softly wipe his nose before throwing away the tissue. Josh starts crying and I coo to him, bouncing him in my arms. Vic comes in and goes to the kitchen, moving around in there. I sigh and keep trying to make Josh feel better. Tears gather in my eyes as his cries ring in my ears. I blink them back and get another tissue and wiping his nose gently.

I walk into the nursery and get the thing that cleans the baby's nose out and use it before cleaning it in the bathroom sink. I brink it with me and Josh is finally beginning to calm down. Vic takes Josh from me and begins wiping him down with a washcloth. Aftwr he finishes he hands Josh back to me who is falling asleep. I sit on the couch with a sigh before Vic comes in and sits next to me.

"I'm gonna go get in pajamas then I'll watch over him so you can do the same," Vic informs me and I nod. He gets up and disappears into our room and I sigh and readjust Josh. Vic comes back a moment later and takes the baby before I get up and go into our room. I quickly change into my oversized nightshirt and grab our phone chargers and go into the living room. I plug them in and plug in my phone before taking Vic's and doing the same. I put in Jurassic World and grab our big mocha fuzzy blanket from earlier and put it on the couch.

I make sure that we have everything and take Josh from Vic who covers us up. I lay my head on Vic's shoulder and watch the movie. The movie was great and Vic puts in a different movie. I carefully wipe Josh down with a cold rag so his fever can help stay down. After that I snuggle up to Vic who puts an arm around me. My head rests on his shoulder. I close my eyes and slowly feel myself drift off to sleep.

{Hello darlings. So, sorry for not updating. Between family and school I don't really have much time but I try. Anywho, how are you liking the story so far? Have an amazingly wonderful day you beautiful things and don't forget to brighten the world with your smile!!!}

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