Chapter 5

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Kellin's P.O.V.

Vic and I sit in the Doctor's office as he tells us what's going on with Josh and what to do. He hands us a paper and we thank him before heading off. I strap Josh into his car seat before getting into the passenger seat. "Wanna go to the store now or do you want me to drop you guys off first?" Vic asks. "Let's go now," I reply as he backs out of the parking space. I put on My Chemical Romance softly in the background as we drive to the store. I keep glancing back at Josh and Vic takes my hand in his.

"Kellin, he's fine," Vic coos, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. I sigh and nod, linking our fingers together. We pull into the Walgreens parking lot and get out of the car. Vic goes in to start shopping while I get Josh. I cradle him in my arms as we go through the store, looking at the toys. I find a few cute baby toys I want for Josh and grab them and go to Vic who was in the medicine aisle.

"Really babe?" he laughs as I put the colorful teddy bear, a rattle and a couple of pacifiers with animals on them. "What?" I sniff. He shakes his head and we finish shopping and I let Vic handle the cashier as I step to the side and start to bounce Josh as he starts to become fussy. I calm him down and look.over at Vic who's rolling his eyes at the cashier flirting with him. I sigh and smirk, going over and wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Babe, are you almost done? Josh is getting fussy, " I peck his cheek. "Sure thing Darling," he grins, grabbing his change from the shocked cashier and leaving with me following him. "Darling, did you get jealous?" he teases. "Shut up," I grumble with a blush on my face. He awws and pecks my cheek. We get to the car and I strap in Josh while Vic puts the stuff in the trunk.

We get in the car and buckle up. Vic backs out of the parking spot and drives towards our house. We get there and I grab Josh and his diaper bag before going into the house. I wait for Vic and hold the door own for him as he carries in all the bags. I put Josh in his chair thing and go help Vic organize everything.

After we finish I grab a Kool patch and it it on Josh's forehead to help bring down the temperature. I lay down with him on my chest on the couch after putting in The Beauty and The Beast. Vic comes and moves my legs so he can sit down on the couch with us. A knock sounds at the door and I sit up, handing Josh to Vic and going over to answer it.

I open the door and an immediately attacked in a hug, both of us falling down. "Kelly!" someone exclaims. "Jacky!" I exclaim back as the rest of our friends laugh at us. "Come on babe, let's not crush Kellin," Alex smiles, helping Jack up. "Babe, help up Kellin," someone demands and I look up to see Alan. Austin hands him Melody and helps me up.

"Thanks Aust," I smile as mine and Vic's friends file in. Everyone takes an available seat with some on the ground. I take Josh as he begins to fuss and go grab a washcloth and wet it with cold water before rubbing over his fevered body. He still cries and I check his diaper, noticing it was full.

I sigh and walk into the nursery and change his diaper. He still cries and I sigh before turning and bumping into someone. I see Vic and he hands me a bottle and I smile in thanks. He pecks my lips before going to entertain our friends. I feed him the bottle, burping him when he's done. I go back out in the living room, laying a sleeping Josh in his seat before sitting on Vic's lap.

"So Kell Bell, what do you think about coming to a bonfire on the beach tonight?" Jack asks. "I can't. Josh is sick and I don't want to leave him without his Mommy," I inform him. "What about you Vic?" Jaime asks. "No thanks," he shakes his head. "Y'all are no fun," Gabe pouts. "No, they're being responsible parents you dickwad," Mike rolls his eyes. "Rude," Gabe says and I reach over and flick his neck.

"Asshole," he flicks my nose. "Watch your fücking language," I demand. "Shut up children," Jack F. interferes. "Dad," Gabe and I drag out the a. He rolls his eyes and Vic pats my leg, informing me he wants to get up. I let him up and he walks into the kitchen and I take his seat. "Anyways, the bonfire's tonight at seven if you want to come," Alex says and they all get up bed leave except for Mike, Tony and Jaime.

Wow my friends don't even want to hang out with me, how rude. I go over and pick up Josh, taking him to his nursery so that Vic can talk to his friends and brother without us being there. I sing Wild Child by Juliet Simms as I clean up the nursery little bit. I use disinfectant wipes to wipe down surfaces. I finish and take Josh to my room, surrounding him with pillows and go back to his room and spray it with disinfectant before going back to my room.

I lay down and put Josh on my chest before humming and rubbing his back. I feel my eyes start to droop before Vic comes in looking aggravated. "What's wrong?" I ask and his face softens as he looks at me. "Nothing," he shakes his head. "Are you sure?" I ask, sitting up and cradling Josh. "Well, the guys were just telling me how we never hang out anymore and I just feel bad," he tells me as he sits on the bed, running his hands through his hair.

"Vic, you can go if you want. Josh and I will be fine and I'll call you if his fever even goes up a point," I tell him, feeling bad about taking him away from his friends. "But Kellin-" he begins but I cut him off. "Hey, it will be okay. You don't have to go if you don't want to. I was just saying that if you want to go, you can. Not that you need my permission but I-" he cuts off my ramble with a kiss that I melt in to.

"Have I ever told you that I love you?" he grins. "Did you know that I love you too?" I chuckle. He pecks my lips before I let out a yawn. "Darling, why don't you rest and I'll take care of Josh?" he suggests. "Or we can all just nap together," I smile. "Okay," he nods. We lay down with Josh in between us and I smile as Vic closes his eyes across from me. His breathing soon evens out and I close my eyes after a bit. I slowly fall into a dreamless sleep, content with life.

{Hello there!!! I updated! Shocker, I know. Anywho, I hope you like this. I'm gonna try to update more often, but my first priority is my Perrentes. If you wanna check that out it's called 'On My Arm There's A Tattoo Of Your Name'. Anyways, I love you guys! Thank you for sticking with this story and my crappy updates. I hope 2016 treats you well. Have an amazingly wonderful day you beautiful things and don't forget to brighten the world with your smile!!!}

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